Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is your tone - WARM OR COLD?

You choose your words. You also choose the tones they are projected outward with. If the tone is cold, you will freeze out the other person. I see it done to kids all of the time. The tone locks them frozen in their tracks. Sometimes they stay frozen for a very long time. Thawing them becomes the job of healing not just waiting. Yelling can come in tones of fear, insecurity or anger, it is cold and hard and can freeze energy and people instantly. I have had that done to me and by me. I have learned to be careful and conscious about every single word I say and the tones I use. Yesterday I was animated and cartoon like, I was told more than once I should be on commercials for wellness. Sometimes my tone is like that, other times it is just calm. I know that thawing people is a big part of my job, I need to use words and tones that warm them to the light of a new idea. Warmth and graciousness change everything for the better every single time they are applied. Check your tones, tape yourself and listen to your own words, you may wish for an upgrade in your delivery. Remember what you put out there is what you receive. If you are frozen at a point, especially one from childhood, find a therapist who can thaw that reality and melt it from your field of energy. It is magical to thaw out a heart, or a mind, or some other part of your personality locked up in the past!! Sex and intimacy are also a big part of your field and being cold is not living life to the fullest!

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