Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just relax

We are being coached to jam square pegs in to round holes in certain areas of our lives. It is time to just relax and let what fits to become evident. No two people do the same job the same way. Is your health a square peg? Do you get talked in to or out of what you know you would choose all on your own? Opinions are everywhere from those who are unsure of their own choices. They would rather focus on you and your needs than their own stuff. It is actually rather comical. Anytime someone offers an opinion without being asked you will know that is their challenge, not yours. Relax, allow, smile and absorb it all. You will feel the truth and then easily move toward it. Live and let live. That will peacefully allow the changes needed here, just be the change you want to see in the world and that is good enough. You are all being watched, guarded and guided. So enjoy the adventure, relax, everything will be fine.

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