Friday, August 2, 2013

flowers - for a season or a lifetime?

I am not a gardener. I am not a nurturer. I am a seeder, a broadcaster. I love to throw things out there and see what takes. I do that in my garden and it is full of beautiful perennials!! I do that in my life too. I have chosen that for my life and it is yielding a mighty bounty. Some of you are nurturers, we need you, as teachers, and parents and therapists too. Some of you are broadcasters, entrepeneurs, trend breakers and setters, we need you too. Come on be who you are supposed to be, you fit, you truly do, just ask where and it will appear!! Do not spend one more minute trying to be someone or something you are not, just let go and the real you will rise like cream to the top!!!

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