Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Two full moons in LEO!

Leo the Lion roars and the earth listens, Leo leads and people follow. In this time of a blue moon in Leo, you have been given a gift by our Creator and The Universal structure, to stand in that full light and let the past pass from you now. Your old programming wants to leave you, your old habits and fears will go with it. Let it all slide from your memory and body like an old robe. Then in the light of the new day, rejoice at the real you beneath. Like scars and warts and moles and wrinkles that change the face of your skin, old ideas change you to their way of thinking and being. I had a vaccination scar from a small pox shot I got as a kid, as my body healed itself, the scar disappeared. Most people still have that mark, their body frozen in time by a toxic shot. If you will stand in the light and release the old and embrace the new, your scars and all the other distortions will thaw and melt away too. Tonight under the full light of beautiful moon, make your prayer for peace and healing, start with you and then add in all of us together. Our world and all she is needs wholeness and healing, let's restore this place, HOW about Eden returning now???

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