Friday, August 2, 2013

Good to know

Men marry their moms, women marry their dads. It is what we know that becomes what we do. To break the pattern first you must recognize the pattern and determine if changing it is right for you. I can not send a musician off to be a plumber, they do not know how, or what to do. You are raised in a field of experience and that is what you learn and you use it to move through your life. My girls married hard working guys, just like their daddy!! They understand that from childhood and it gives them comfort and security. I had no daddy since he passed when I was two and that gave me miles of leeway to experiment with lots of different types of choices. I have learned very valuable lessons that way. Mostly I learned that I am very capable of taking care of myself for that very reason and that makes me smile. It also annoys some men. One guy said I can not be with a gal who makes more money than I do, good to know!!! This is not going to work then is it??? Know your patterns, release those that have held you down or you are just finished with now. The rut of life and repetative behavior, is a total choice. I will now listen to the stories about the moms before I decide if I will date the sons. SEE??? We are all learning aren't we? Thank you God for the willingness and the ability to change and grow everyday I am alive!!!

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