Friday, August 23, 2013

Say a little prayer

I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed. I believed and believed and believed. I spent, I built and yes, I said a little prayer. Today that prayer becomes my reality. Project Footsteps and Dr. Su are hosting a two day retreat at the ranch called Change Starts with Me. It is all about empowering middle school kids to become change agents for what is good and right and happy and healthy in their own lives and in the lives of their peers. I have said, give me 8th graders to 100's of clients who come to hear me explain health and wellness. Sometimes they are old and have been sick awhile and I say you got fooled and we need to update you on what really works for your health and wellness. Kids deserve a chance to know how to take care of themselves, what is truly going to stand in the light of the day and stay with you helping you forever. That is their right, and many now will be have them available. The right to health naturally, friendship, honesty, love, truth, equality, support and our list of what rights are right goes on and on!! We are all One, created by the same Creative Force that sees us that way. No one better or less, all unique as our fingerprint and deserving a chance to be whole and happy here. Say a little prayer for us all now, we need all the support there is for kids now!!

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