Thursday, August 29, 2013


Kids say that, announce it really. YOU ARE MY BFF!! I think it is wonderful. I spent my whole life trying to get me one of those guys to keep forever! As a kid, as a young lady, as a grown up, they came and went, the forever part was never there. Sad but true. What does that say about us? Are we capable of committing to a relationship that shifts and changes with the person's growth? I know that my changing along the way scared some of my friends. I lost the credibility I had with them since the way I saw things and told what I saw changed and grew and became more and more MY OWN. My alignment moved. As I fell in love with ME and my purpose here, they fell out of sync with me. That happens alot on Earth. It is why alignment with self and Creator is the foundation we must build upon. Not another. I can not nor will I ever judge someone's process or progress. There are so many schools of thought here I can not begin to know them all. Each one of us knows which alignment is best for us, and when we get clear and brave we slide right into that position. Only then can we see the BFF that happens to be right there too. Easy does it. Our children are naturally in alignment with us since they choose the lineage, and the lessons are similar. My girls are BFF's to me, never failing. My parents could not be that way since their way of life offered no leeway for other schools of thought. Sad. Become your own BFF. Like yourself. Align with your own heart and speak it truthfully and fearlessly to anyone who in interested. You might be surprised who is in that same space and wants to be your own BFF. Here is my list of things that align with me. Fun, opportunistic, adventurous, willing, wholehearted, bright, open, honest, generous, and trusting. Make your list too, let's see who aligns now in the new earth.

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