Thursday, August 29, 2013


In the end you will measure your own success. As you sit in the aboveness looking at the whole thing, you will be asked, "WAS IT WORTH IT ?". You need to decide what and who is worth fighting for and fighting about and fighting with. Only worthy causes and worthy opponents should be in the offering. The greatest push you get is from the worthiest opponents of all, those who from the aboveness volunteered to be the catalyst in your life. I have pushed a lot of folks. Some loved the movement it caused. They took the lesson and made it their own and got well and knowledgable and changed their life and health. I call it inspiration and enlightement. They still come around. Some couldn't take it and those are the ones who ran away. DON'T ASK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW. DON'T OFFER IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT TO GIVE. Worth it?? You bet!! I know I have been a worthy opponent to many and in offering all of me, my heart, my home, my work, and my thoughts, the value of what that was, was worth every penny I had to give. From the aboveness I see the bigger picture, it is my gift in this lifetime, I am a seer, a visionary, and so far, so so good. You decide now, is your way worth it or would that push you have chosen and endured - moved you to a better place now????????? Or do you still resist the best most loving shove you ever got? Only YOU decide.

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