Friday, August 2, 2013

Pleasant surprises

I forgot how much I LOVE TO PLAY RACQUETBALL. Then someone reminded who used to play with me. What happens to us???? How do we walk away from the things that give us so much joy??? I had to really think about that for a minute. I played in the 80's and 90's and then I married a guy who thought it was nonsense for a woman to play at 6 am especially with men. I believed him. My mistake. Silly really, since so much of his opinions were truly silly, but these are the things we do. Take an accounting of your life here, if you have left something behind for whatever reason, and yet know it is a great joy for you, pull it back in to your reality. I know people get tired, and they quit. I heard that about someone not getting a dog. She said the guy in her life thinks it is too much work, funny, I used to know that guy and he said the same thing to me, I did not listen and got a dog anyway, and it became the greatest JOY of HIS life!! Be who you are, live in the present, tomorrow will take care of itself. Worry does not help ever so remember, pleasant surprises are everywhere!! OPEN YOUR~EYES!

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