Monday, August 12, 2013

Response - Able

The you break it- you buy it policy applies now to those who wish to remain here. Taking the response- able and putting that choice into play in every single aspect of your life is key. No one needs to parent adults, pay their way, or clean up their messes. I see it every day, adults doing things and just standing there like a deer in the headlights, frozen and unable to respond responsibly and calmly. It is how our earth got so toxic. People throwing litter out their window as if the world should clean it up somehow. It is time we all take our place in the arena of response to a very large job of cleaning this place up. The land and water have been abused, and people are just watching it happen, waiting for someone to take responsibility. IT IS UP TO US, WE ARE THE RESPONDERS!! FIRST RESPONDERS TO AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, BEES need US, KIDS DO TOO! If you are still waiting for something or someone to show up and save us, STOP NOW! You are the ones we all have been waiting for.

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