Saturday, August 31, 2013

character and intentions

You have both. So do I. Your character is the person you present to the world, kind of like a cartoon of you. What does your character look like and do??? Thinking about this gives us a chance to analyze our presentation here. I see tough guys, smart alecs, and just plain crab apples all over the place and think - do they know what character they are really putting out there for us all to see? If your character is someone you would hang out with, awesome. If your character is someone you would fight with or run from or worry about, time to redesign yourself. I see people ready now to release the old character, the one that is battered and tattered and torn and tired. The one built in defense of an old way of living. How do I do that??? Well first you must decide what your intentions are. In the old days a Father would ask that of a suitor. What are your intentions with my beautiful daughter, sir? The man would be put on the spot to say in real words what he intended for him and her together and then a decision was made. What is yours? I have the intention that every single person or place I touch while I am human is better for knowing me. Period. May not like me or be my friend, but knowing me changed something for you that added a perspective of love and light that only I could give. My intention is clear, it is light. Shining it brightly is my passion, my joy and also my job. My character, a woman with brown eyes and a love for this world that drives her out of bed each morning before the sun to celebrate another chance at being human.

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