Thursday, August 22, 2013

Not until the past has passed

My client said he was stubborn as a mule, but he keeps coming back anyway. He said he is having a hard time changing the old self, but he keeps on returning for more. He said he can not give up but he also can not give in. We have all been there. Torn and unsure. The past rules the present in so many ways. Look at who you were, what you said, how you did your life and then decide which parts stay. POP is toxic and needs to disappear now, some get that and quit, others can not. It is a part of their past that hangs on tight. Then it turns into a cancer answer, that is when the body has gone over it's limit with it's patience and starts with a reaction that you can not deny or ignore. It is our friend in every way, giving one last chance to change and stay. OR LIVE IN THE PAST WITH THOSE PAST DEEDS AND WAYS STUCK ELIMINATING YOUR CHANCE AT A HEALTHY HAPPY FUTURE HERE ON EARTH. Choices are being made, every single day. Find who and what you love, let go of the old dark ways, change is fun and fresh, and when you decide you are worth the effort, it comes naturally! That is my work here, nature and you,and people love it and live long and prosper everytime they decide to let the past pass.

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