Tuesday, August 20, 2013

If someone's words hurt or control you, walk away

Communication not only links, it can lead, or bind also. We have a thyroid wrapped around a voicebox with chords that vibrate. Our reality comes from that vibration. If the thyroid can be injured with mercury overloading it, I can manipulate your words OR EVEN SHUT THEM DOWN and what they create. The two ways mercury gets in to a human at a toxic level is amalgam fillings and vaccinations. Once the thyroid is damaged, the controlling of the human is easy. No voice, no direction. Depression and indigestion are the two first things that happen. Nothing gets in or out that is clean and clear and energetic, everything becomes fuzzy. Then their voice becomes YOURS, their words become yours, their ideas become yours, because THEY SAID it was So! AND YOU CAN NOT SPEAK ANY LONGER. I have heard THOSE words of pain, loss and less, I have heard words that seperate and create fear. They are not my words, nor are they my ways. I have heard hollering and cursing and know that is simply destructive to everything especially the fragile children! If you speak words that hurt or control, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR ON YOUR WAY OUT OF OUR LIVES NOW. If you speak of love and creativity and togetherness and healing, come on in and let's chat, I would love to hear your words and feel the graciousness that Creator bestowed upon you. This is where the chaff leaves the wheat, make your choice, you will live with it forever. Divine will has made it so.

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