Saturday, August 24, 2013

look out!! look up!!

Many have wanted to be true. True to themselves, their heart, their calling, their own journey. Many are trying very hard to get it going, but stumbling blocks from the old stuff keep them out of the loop. Aligning now with the true and real you is possible this weekend. There is some wildly cool stuff going on and the bomb has exploded the opportunity on to this plane. I saw it in my dream, I hit the deck behind the window I was looking out of, bracing for impact or oblivion and nothing happened. Yet I knew everything had changed. I have spent my time, my money and my brain on this lifetime, discovering and sharing all that I have and do. Some people just love it and truly love me, others not so much. This is your chance now. Open to YOU. Let the bomb shatter your illusions, your limitations, your past. You are a new and perfect you, see it and BE IT!!

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