Friday, August 16, 2013

open to the flow of you

People were stuck. STUCK UP, STUCK IN THE PAST, STUCK IN THE MUCK. Caught in their own stuff, not flowing their energy but building it inside then exploding it one way or another. That makes them sick or fat or sad or antisocial. It is time to open the mind, expand into the oneness and then, flow into the world with love first, then ability using your natural gifts and then, structure. I can love everything easily, I am built that way. I can flow pretty good too, as long as I get enough rest in between. Putting structure around what I love has been the thing I am working on. I can build a house or a barn easily because I truly love those things. Other parts are not so easy for me and I have had to go back to the drawing board to come up with a new way for me. The way I have done things in the past will become a memory now, fun and crazy and willing to risk everything, now I am peaceful and grateful and know that I can enjoy the whole life experience as I open to the flow. I will get back as much as I give, just like you will. Allow, peacefully and receive gratefully, love and light, as much as you desire!

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