Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who do you report to???

I report to me and Creator, every single day, accountable for every thought, word and deed. It is how I am and what I do. I have been self employed since 1988 and I have been totally in charge of all of my own reports. No one to pay me or bail me out, just me, my meditations and my listening ears and heart. Others may do it differently, how do you do it? If you report to another human and fail to listen to suggestions and directions, why do you choose that? Your divine design gives you all the guidance you need, learning to listen and then adapt is your journey. It can be health, relationships, work, or even just life. I have failed to communicate clearly on more then one occasion. Being heard and clear and standing up for my beliefs and desires and needs, is new to me. I used to make sure others had what they needed first, even if it not match my needs. I learned the lesson of love finally and loving myself first gives me the ability to love others in a much better and clearer way. Loving you may mean letting you go.  I have done that with several and it was the best most loving choice I have ever made. Someday in the light, the love of the time and the experience together will be the memory and soon as the grace of forgiveness takes it's rightful position. I forgive all who I have been hurt by and will gladly report that! I am sure they will forgive me too.

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