Sunday, October 6, 2013

As we move into our truth now

Non-sense is not an option. I have heard over and over, the dismissal of one's truth and inner knowing with that specific enchantment. NON-SENSE!  Grown ups say it to kids, scientists say it to mystics, doctors say it to healers, family members will dismiss family members because they only see the NON-SENSE. In the awakening of each one of us, that is not an option now. You are a sensory being.  Being numb or dumb isn't a part of the new energy. Senses are us. Smell, sound, taste, sight, touch and yes, the extra senses too. I have several of those alive and working beautifully, everyone will soon. Auras, energy, other dimensions, past lives, I see and have sense of all of that. I know it is my truth, and no one can deny it, discredit it, or smack it out of my hand any longer. Another's opinion of you is none of your business. Good advice given me long ago.  Allow yourself the truth of you, if you feel it and it feels right and makes you smile and interested, YOU are on the right track to your senses!! Once fully activated there is nothing you can not accomplish easily and effortlessly in our world. That is the truth.

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