Friday, October 25, 2013

Stop, drop and roll

Learned that as a kid, it is what to do if you are on FIRE! My horse yesterday with me aboard did the stop, drop and roll with me then having to then do the same. I always look at life a metaphor and that one made me think hard. Did I need to put my fire out, did we need an adjustment of some sort?? It turns out both were indicated and then with Bojangles help, executed. Life is challenging here and every time we turn around something different or unexpected comes our way. I am always testing the waters and sometimes the stop, drop and roll process reminds me when too much is just too much. Remember you are attracting what you are attracting. My pony says, mom, that's enough now!! We need to readjust ourselves, stand back up, shake it off and then, start again. Good advice Bojangles.