Monday, October 28, 2013

The Reconnection

I met and had a glass of wine with Dr. Eric Pearl several years back. He channeled this book. It is in my clinic and has been in my heart all along. The world, fragmented by so much illusion and opinion that reconnecting became the only way we would survive. Separate simply promotes a moment to think, but then the link must come to reconnect or your life line will diminish and disappear. We can not survive here alone, we are meant to be together. We came from the whole, the ONE, we broke off and went into density, all by our little selves, with only a mom and dad to cling to. If that did not happen, you free fell for awhile.  Frightening but educational. When people reconnect to one another or their guardian angel or their Creator, their life line starts filling them with energy again, kind of going to the gas station and getting pumped up! Who do you want to reconnect with, and what do you dream the outcome to be? This is the week to decide, with our world shifting, you have a  shot now! Take aim at your future, your dreams, your relationships, become clear and direct, and FIRE!!

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