Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I teach amazing things, and clearing the area for the highest good of myself and all others is not only my teaching, it is my life and I do it all of the time. It promotes health, life and knowing. There is a command that I share that changes everything instantly. It goes like this, STAND IN THE LIGHT OF GOD AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Nothing can remain in your space if you shine that bright light on it. Then you decide whether it is not helpful or supportive to you. Calling out the bully is what this does. There are a lot of bullies down here and they are fearful of the light and the energy of that exposure. Secrets and hidden behaviors lurk in that realm. They control their hosts with surges of adrenaline and create drama and excitement. They are rude, opinionated and commonly loud and nasty. Some people mix that energy up, and think an infatuation is love, it is not, it is simply connection. You are constantly hooking up, and the buzz is the initial response. What you do from there is up to you, I run it up to my heart first and feel it there, then I let it in to my crown and lay it out before the Creator and my guides and guardians, and listen quietly to their response also. That is called prayer and meditation. I can command anything I desire, I rule my own world. So do you. Are you happy with yours, I truly adore mine and all who enter it, meet me at the door and then  I say, Stand in the light of God and tell me who you are, before I let them in. Good trick huh?

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