Wednesday, October 23, 2013


In this shift we are all becoming new. Being reborn here by choice and fulfilling a prophecy and a promise made to humans long ago. I look in the mirror and see new now. A new peaceful attitude, a new desire to share my work, a new life that enchants me with love and magic and potential. I, along with so many others came here again for the SHIFT, and got pretty beat up. I got tired and I got sad and lonely. I got mad and I got sick. I got fooled, and lied to.  Looking for a friendly face became a chore. I stayed home, I stayed in, but in spite of it all, I stayed on Earth. I am so glad I did. I have chosen a new life now. Healthier, and happier then I have ever been, ready, willing and able to live here in peace with a community of like minded friends who share the vision of what our world will soon become. Back to Eden for me, whole again,  and forever renewed! Switching now from carbon to crystal - you with me???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know it, Ive never been so alone but never been so Alive! Love this place:)