Monday, October 14, 2013

What grateful gets you?

It solidifies your intention to keep something alive. Period. When you criticize or complain, that becomes the focus and then an issue for you, your life and your health. I hear people say "I am too fat" all of the time, rather than saying, my body is doing the best it can, I love my body, I am grateful I am healthy. Instead the body hears the FAT word and stays with that program. The same goes for less, lack and loss too. If you repeat it, or point it out, you receive it right back in your life. I used the word fragment yesterday to explain how souls fall apart. Little pieces break off for different reasons. Gathering them back up with love and gratitude is how you rebuild the life, the body, the energy of you. Picking out what is wrong, instead of what is right, will get you a whole lot more of what is wrong in your opinion right smack in your life. Remember your opinion is none of anyone else's business, so the only one you are influencing is YOU. Be grateful for you and what you have chosen, and if that is not measuring up to your standards, change YOU! That is the only variable you have a right to work on or even comment on, and gratitude gets you a long long way.

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