Sunday, October 27, 2013


I tell people, do not ask me a question you do not want an answer for. I get asked to read auras a lot. It is a gift I have and willingly share when it is appropriate. In an appointment with me, you give me permission to be totally transparent, and allow every detail of you and your situation to be exposed. The mirror of me for you is cleaned every single day and I am totally accountable for it's clarity and take it very seriously. I love my job and the Universe supports me in my work here every single day. You are accountable for the answers you find in the mirror you choose to look in to . Again, do not ask if you are not prepared to take action. I have clients, who say one thing, learn something, and then do something totally different or just repeat their old behaviors. They do not follow the protocol their body lays out and then they return to me weeks later  totally frustrated. I smile and we start over. Pay attention, when asked, you are answered, you answer your own questions over and over, and then you want a different result without making the changes required. Interesting, humans and their lives, HUH??? Keeps me busy.

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