Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today is her birthday!

I have two daughters, and today is Carly's birthday. She is 29 and beautiful and happy and loved. I know I had a lot to do with that. In loving life here, loving our children is the gift we give ourselves. She is a gift to me and always has been. She has been teacher and student, cheerleader and opponent, old and young, all at the same time. Our beautiful children mirror us to us, then after awhile they create their own reality, family and success, based on what they have learned from us. Today look at your kids, see what you gave them and tell them you love them and are so glad they came in to your life. All is well and improving, and if there is something left there that seems disturbing, change yourself, your words, your view, your own attitude, before you look to them. You will be amazed how quickly it improves, when you improve yourself in the reflection of THAT MIRROR, your  children hold. Thank you Carly, when I look at you and see me, I am grateful and proud and love you!! We are perfect and beautiful and sing well too!! Happy Birthday!!!

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