Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Love and fear can not live in the same space

Our body is our space to have while we are here, it has an energy field around it called the aura, that is our space too. We are accountable for it's cleanliness and function. We are accountable for it's energy. We make it what it is by our choices every single day. In a love filled body, is a glowing and flowing energy. It is peaceful and kind, and fun and productive. It heals everything it touches. If there is fear entering this space, it causes adrenaline to flow and it will impact the most blocked area hard. It can blow a heart up, or push a liver to frustration. It can cause lungs to plug  up or stomachs to flip and bubble. Each place has it's own energy and emotion. You are the only one who can change this. In holding on to the past memories of less, lack and loss, their are wounds that became hardened scars. These block the flow of love and healing. I know where scars are I see them every day in my work and in my life. In the aura, there flows light, color and designs, it shows the rest of the world your true colors. There is no hiding, more and more people are seeing and feeling energy. Kids and dogs always could. Now many adults are skilled that way also and use it to assist others. It can be learned by those willing to share their own aura with others transparently. I shine, on purpose, in a healthy loving and open way. I can discuss anything without drama. I see where there needs to be a light shined and if engaged, shine it there. Some people love that, fear has ruled their lives and they want it gone now forever. They ask me what I see and if I can help with my truth and my other skills.  Others may ask, but in truth are not ready or willing to be accountable yet. I see their fear and sit back to watch it come up and either fight or flee. It is amazingly energetic to watch. And sad to see it destroy it's host.  This is a real loss of life and love here.  It is your job to find the love from within, that you brought with you and put it in every single thought, word and deed you do. In love and light there is no place for fear, no darkness in a brightly lit room. Darkness harbors fear and causes you to fight or flee, it is up to you. There are many healers out there now, for those interested in this work. It needs to be accomplished for our world to get right and healthy and happy again. Find one if you desire, fear needs to leave the planet now, and you need to stop giving it a space to live here, you choose. Humans are the hosts to this energy. I love this place and her children, and that is all there ever was or ever will be in my life. Where and with those that Love rules, everyone wins!  I win every single day!

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