Saturday, October 26, 2013

the universe is us, we are it, in little tiny pieces of potential

I know that to have something be attracted to me, I must first embody it fully. That has been tricky business for humans. I personally have embodied a variety of philosophies and beliefs along the way. We all have. I can hear the echo of words spoken that I believed until I decided they were simply not truth for me. Once they were written and burned, I moved ahead. Once my uncle said I had saddle bags on my butt, I was crushed. It burdened my mind for several years until I decided that was NON-SENSE. I forgave him and forgave myself for buying into that foolishness and it never was attracted to me. My friend's mom told me he never fit in to their family. I was so sad when she said that, because it has kept him alone his whole life. As soon as he forgives and forgets that, he will have the family he longs for. It is simple and true, you must believe and practice that belief everyday first to attract it in to your life. Pick one thing now and give it 30 days of your focus, devotion and love and see what you get out the deal! The universe will support this as it supports itself.

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