Sunday, October 13, 2013

I am a BEING......

of violet fire. That is how my daily prayer begins. There is a lot more to it, but sharing the first line of my mantra with you is my way of adding you in. Evolution is occurring around us  all of the time and evolving into healthy happy humans requires the decision to be made daily to evolve effortlessly and easily into the best you can be. You are an angel or higher light being, BEING A HUMAN for a minute or two. Some of you fit in pretty well and others never seem to get comfortable here. I understand completely. So start each day by addressing and adoring the spirit of you first, then get back in to your human body suit with ease and focus. Do not just fall in after a long night of absence, be intentional, be clear about who, how and what that HUMAN being is going to have and do this day. You get one day only!! Make it the very best you have ever had. I am a being - being loved and loving, magnificent in my own special way, living in light, and peace all day long.

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