Saturday, October 19, 2013


It has been  incredibly under rated. People compete, compare, and simply have an opinion when one is not asked for. My friend was kind to the neighbor and they were so surprised they offered money in response to what he had done. I see in the eyes of humans what kindness looks like and try to be that way. The little kids that come to ride my horses flourish with those kind words and kind ways.  So do I. There is no need for anything less, never ever. We have all entertained angels unaware and you can see them by the warmth and penetrating look in their eyes. Look and know you are being given a chance and a choice to raise your frequency. Watch and see and believe and receive. Down's people are always kind, they smile and enjoy every single moment they are here, did you know they are all human angels?? Think about it, remember this is your chance to be kind, and what you give is what you receive in return.

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