Sunday, October 27, 2013

every dis - ease starts with an emotion

I teach that in my practice. HAPPY PEOPLE DO NOT GET SICK OR INJURED.  I want us to deal with our emotions up front, that way we avoid the biological disorder that comes from the perpetuation of those feelings. Here are a few, diabetes comes from the loss of joy and sweetness in life, Lyme's comes from the coldness being there. I see those two issues a lot lately. I know that when I work with someone it has to be a holistic approach, with emotion and stress being one third of the conversation about recovery. My mother died from Alzheimer's disease, that is the result of not wanting to remember life's lessons, a feeling of guilt presides. Guilt, shame, sadness, resentment, anger, worry and then the top dog, fear - all change your biology. They start little, if not aired out and released with grace and mercy and forgiveness, for both parties involved, they will start the flow of negative energy. You will then have to go backwards till you are smack in the middle of it again and heal it or leave. Both options readily available. My mom just  up and  left. Admitting she had made mistakes and seeking forgiveness from those she injured not her style, not her choice either. If you can admit you screwed up then you can unscrew yourself, your dis-ease and your future will be smooth and happy and healthy. If not, I will be in business for a very long time.

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