Thursday, October 24, 2013

Naming ceremony

We do that in my Native American world. It comes when it comes. You are seen by a seer and they know who you are and name you. There are many names and many who benefit by knowing their real name and their true identity. We can then let go of someone else's idea of who we are or what we should be doing and get on with our real true authentic self. My native name was given to me yesterday in a ceremony that warmed my heart. Angel Hawk Woman is that name and  it fits  like a soft moccasin, and I love it! In the lineage of my existence all of my names begin with an A, and this is no different. I love the order and simplicity of our Creator and this universe. To know who you are is key, to know how special and rare you are makes this life amazing because there are no mis-takes. If you want your real name, ask the Universe, one of us will hear your request and see you and tell you what we see and give you YOUR NAME NOW.

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