Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time to find your pod

We are here from distant places for various reasons. There are others here from the place you hail from. You all actually carry and resonate the same frequency. I introduced two pod mates yesterday and it was fun to see how quickly they recognized one another. It is time to hook up to your pod now, you will feel familiar, understood and remembered . It is like a family reunion of sorts and the power of linking with those of like mind can not be measured. You have been separate and alone and on your own, for long enough now. Open your eyes, your heart and your way of thinking. Include the vision of love and acceptance that is your divine right. Feel like you fit, like you are meant to be here and loved for who and how you are now. The rest of the past should simple fade to black and disappear with any other darkness you hold within your light body. This is easier then you think, just say I love me and all that I am and ever will be, Thank you Creator for this opportunity  to meet others like me and get on with the recovery of the light here. This is awesome and so are WE!

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