Sunday, October 27, 2013

awake now

People keep telling me they wake up in the night and ask me why. When the liver is sluggish the body must throw some adrenaline in to get it to push through. That starts around 11 pm and runs till about 3 am. Some people wake up with their heart pounding, some think they have to pee, others are sweating. It is a response to the frustrations of your days, a poor diet, chemicals and other toxic things, becoming clogged. To release them, use some lemon and honey before you go to sleep, say a prayer out loud of - live and let live, forgive and forget and of permission to your higher self  or your guardian angel to help you deal with yourself while your body sleeps and stays out of the conversation. Old ways were spot on, the Universe wants you walking in the stars with them 8 hours a day, night is when you are free to leave for that chat. It is how the awakening is happening here. You will then wake back up in the morning, healed, fresh, cheerful and ready for another day on our beautiful EARTH! And your questions answered by the Creator who loves you most of all!!! Another toast with lemon and raw honey would be the best way to start fresh! SALUTE!

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