Friday, October 4, 2013

From the distance......

I hear those words in my head over and over I have for a long time. I waited for the rest of the sentence and it  would form.  I am not the most patient gal on the planet and that waiting thing not my best ability. I expect to travel with a nose wiggle, I expect healing to be the minute someone decides to change their mind and their ways. I expect forgiveness to be the instant someone says they are truly sorry and would do anything to fix it, and not ever do  that  again.  So what is this thing, from the distance..... ? I did the best I could with what I had at the time and I waited.  We all need to look up now and see the horizon and the dawn because coming to us now finally is the reality we came for. I did not come for war, or drama, or abuse, or poverty, yet I found them here when I arrived. I came for peace, love, relationships, music, beauty,  nature, laughter and integration of ideas. The joy I feel in my heart everyday wants to be met with that same joy everywhere I look and in the eyes and words of those I spend my time with. That is what the distant future held for me for a long long time. Yet, I never stopped dreaming of it becoming my reality. I never stopped talking about it. I never stopped knowing it. Look up and see your dreams coming true now, unfolding right before your eyes! This is that time spoken of for what seemed like forever. We are HERE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, we surely are :)