Thursday, October 31, 2013

The broken trust

It looms in our lives from a variety of sources. Looking on the outside for what is really happening on the inside. I had a partner who said no matter what happens, at the end of the day I will always return home to YOU. Then one day he did not return to me. Trust broken forever. It happens with doctors, lawyers, priests,  chiefs of state, teachers, parents, children and the list goes on forever. It is a trust that we must rebuild with ourself. Our knowing, our believing and most of all unconditional loving must be a trust, an agreement, stated and confirmed with your eyes looking in to your own eyes and pledging the solemn oath of love and commitment and accountability. Love no matter what, and at the end, being there for yourself. every single time.  Big lesson with really big results. I do not need to trust anyone else as long as I trust myself. Period. Lesson received and noted and never to be repeated.

Inspiration comes through respiration

BREATHE!!! Everyone take a deep breath. Breath in light, love, laughter, health, happiness, and whatever else you desire now. Today is the day!! Breathe, and fill your lungs with air, it is the inspiration you need to lift your energy field up. See love and breathe it in, what does look like to you?? To me it looks radiant, and flowing, and truly beautiful. I am love here in this world and in this body, I believe that with all my might. I breathe it, I drink it and I speak it back at YOU and this world. Come on now let's get the real party started!

Time to find your pod

We are here from distant places for various reasons. There are others here from the place you hail from. You all actually carry and resonate the same frequency. I introduced two pod mates yesterday and it was fun to see how quickly they recognized one another. It is time to hook up to your pod now, you will feel familiar, understood and remembered . It is like a family reunion of sorts and the power of linking with those of like mind can not be measured. You have been separate and alone and on your own, for long enough now. Open your eyes, your heart and your way of thinking. Include the vision of love and acceptance that is your divine right. Feel like you fit, like you are meant to be here and loved for who and how you are now. The rest of the past should simple fade to black and disappear with any other darkness you hold within your light body. This is easier then you think, just say I love me and all that I am and ever will be, Thank you Creator for this opportunity  to meet others like me and get on with the recovery of the light here. This is awesome and so are WE!

The end of the end

My life is a series of 9's. When I had my numerology chart done, the master mathematician said he had never seen so many 9's. I am here for the end. I am fully aware of that truth. My Angel number is 8 and that is the life I live here. The changes are fast and furious like the racetrack for a matchbox car and the 8 is how is rolls. I am at the end of the end now and watching the world turn upside down  is challenging to me. Holding on to my vision of recovery, my job and my solace and my great pleasure, in these times. I have weathered the 12 - triple dates and been where the Universe could use my earth connection with it's strongest hook up. We have been away from heaven and Divine Law for a very long time. Our world is very dark with this disconnection from the Source of our light. Find the light in your life now, focus, watch the sun rise and the sun set and pray for the light to return to full power. The end will go a lot smoother and cleaner if we hold that vision. Here's to the love of the Light of the Source of all that is and ever shall be, Namaste'.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

the Illusion of Reality ~ consciousness & quantum theory

What if your kid is too smart for the system in place??

I was that kid, bored and constantly trying to get out of sitting still. I truly remember those days with amazement. My girls had it better because I knew they were very bright and that to keep them interested in life and learning here, it was going to have to be my choice to assist them. We did a zillion things. No computer games, no time sitting around and wasting away. When they got home, we did something outside, fun and active. Our kids are way too smart for our current system, they need to be challenged and supported, they need to express themselves in the way that matches them and their unique expression of self. I know you will find a way, the love of a child is the most inspiring thing we have here. The old system is failing and soon fading, tenure for those who believe that they deserve a job even though they have stopped growing themselves is nonsense to me. If you are aware that your kid is smart and extraordinary and not really fitting in Change Starts with Me is our program here. The ranch time with the amazing staff, helps kids in Middle school find out who they really are and what they can do to find their way here. Non-conflict, non-bully, non-separate, special and able and ready to change this planet with their fresh eyes and ideas, join us, Project Footsteps and CSWM at Hawk's Ridge Ranch.

A reason or a season

We cross paths with many who are a part of our destiny here. We have prior agreements to meet up on the Earth and get something done. My friend Nancy and I have 20 years per lifetime and those are always wonderful. I used to call her the nicest woman in the world and she truly was, and was my wonderful friend. Then she went home again. I get to offer my perspective to many in my work, I also do it in other ways and know it is what I am supposed to be doing. Some people work here, some live here, some just come for a day or an appointment. The other day a client cried and said when she was a little girl she dreamed of me, and I said that when she was ready I would be here for her. I am and she is now. She is glad she found me and also that she remembered my  promise to her.  Do not look for more then what is right in front of you, whether a reason or a season, to get a chance to reconnect and learn something is truly a gift from the Universe, take it while it is available! It could fly away in the wink of an eye.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

If you are ready for something different now

Take an assessment of your reality. If it is perfect, enjoy! If it needs to be shifted, start with the forgiveness of yourself, and then ask for the forgiveness of those who you inflicted with your issues. It goes like this. I am so sorry, I promise to never do or say that ever again, and knowing that I inflicted my issues on you, is there something I can do to make it better????? Offer remedy and reconciliation.  Now that is  true accountability, and when we all become truly accountable all of the time, this will not longer need to be done. In the meantime, this is the magic of mercy and forgiveness and will change the world forever. The Dakota 38 ride is all about this. Forgive and move ahead now, by letting go and letting love rule the day and our world. Support this effort in your life and in our world and set us all free!

Decide now

de-side. because there are no sides in a circle. in the end will be only love and it is the whole circle of life. YOU decide what it is you want for you,  I DE-SIDED A WHILE BACK. I take no sides here, all is loved and worthy. I fight no wars nor do I have anything but compassion for those still taking sides. You decide now too and this will just keep getting better and better and better.


I teach amazing things, and clearing the area for the highest good of myself and all others is not only my teaching, it is my life and I do it all of the time. It promotes health, life and knowing. There is a command that I share that changes everything instantly. It goes like this, STAND IN THE LIGHT OF GOD AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Nothing can remain in your space if you shine that bright light on it. Then you decide whether it is not helpful or supportive to you. Calling out the bully is what this does. There are a lot of bullies down here and they are fearful of the light and the energy of that exposure. Secrets and hidden behaviors lurk in that realm. They control their hosts with surges of adrenaline and create drama and excitement. They are rude, opinionated and commonly loud and nasty. Some people mix that energy up, and think an infatuation is love, it is not, it is simply connection. You are constantly hooking up, and the buzz is the initial response. What you do from there is up to you, I run it up to my heart first and feel it there, then I let it in to my crown and lay it out before the Creator and my guides and guardians, and listen quietly to their response also. That is called prayer and meditation. I can command anything I desire, I rule my own world. So do you. Are you happy with yours, I truly adore mine and all who enter it, meet me at the door and then  I say, Stand in the light of God and tell me who you are, before I let them in. Good trick huh?

Love and fear can not live in the same space

Our body is our space to have while we are here, it has an energy field around it called the aura, that is our space too. We are accountable for it's cleanliness and function. We are accountable for it's energy. We make it what it is by our choices every single day. In a love filled body, is a glowing and flowing energy. It is peaceful and kind, and fun and productive. It heals everything it touches. If there is fear entering this space, it causes adrenaline to flow and it will impact the most blocked area hard. It can blow a heart up, or push a liver to frustration. It can cause lungs to plug  up or stomachs to flip and bubble. Each place has it's own energy and emotion. You are the only one who can change this. In holding on to the past memories of less, lack and loss, their are wounds that became hardened scars. These block the flow of love and healing. I know where scars are I see them every day in my work and in my life. In the aura, there flows light, color and designs, it shows the rest of the world your true colors. There is no hiding, more and more people are seeing and feeling energy. Kids and dogs always could. Now many adults are skilled that way also and use it to assist others. It can be learned by those willing to share their own aura with others transparently. I shine, on purpose, in a healthy loving and open way. I can discuss anything without drama. I see where there needs to be a light shined and if engaged, shine it there. Some people love that, fear has ruled their lives and they want it gone now forever. They ask me what I see and if I can help with my truth and my other skills.  Others may ask, but in truth are not ready or willing to be accountable yet. I see their fear and sit back to watch it come up and either fight or flee. It is amazingly energetic to watch. And sad to see it destroy it's host.  This is a real loss of life and love here.  It is your job to find the love from within, that you brought with you and put it in every single thought, word and deed you do. In love and light there is no place for fear, no darkness in a brightly lit room. Darkness harbors fear and causes you to fight or flee, it is up to you. There are many healers out there now, for those interested in this work. It needs to be accomplished for our world to get right and healthy and happy again. Find one if you desire, fear needs to leave the planet now, and you need to stop giving it a space to live here, you choose. Humans are the hosts to this energy. I love this place and her children, and that is all there ever was or ever will be in my life. Where and with those that Love rules, everyone wins!  I win every single day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

are we adequate?

Actually we are more then that, yet many suffer under the illusion, that no matter how hard they try or what they do, or how they look, or what they earn, it does not measure up. I went through that with my marriages. Thinking somehow I was not measuring up to the standards of my partner. What I have learned is that it was the old perspective of less, lack and loss, I had learned as a kid spilling in to my adult world. I did not understand how that happened. Once I stepped back and  played the movie back I saw the seesaw of what had happened. I overcompensated for what I perceived as my weakness. I did for my partner what I wanted done for myself. Thinking that reciprocation would then occur. When it did not, I felt somehow inadequate, unable to measure up, undeserving and ultimately very injured. When I am hurt I get angry and after I vent, I disappear totally. Or I disappear them. I had to learn that I alone, with my own ways, was totally adequate and as soon as I got that, every around  would reflect that back to me. A guy asked me how big the engine was in my Jeep and I said the only thing I know about my Jeep is that it is white.  That in it's own way is adequate for me and I have learned that that is perfect, and perfect is good enough.

Hawk's Ridge Ranch Retreats

We just finished one, and the women who shared time and space together here were changed forever. That is the way to heal your heart, your body and your spirit. Connecting under the wings of an angel and finding your truth and sharing it with those who are in this for the long haul. These gals did not know each other on Saturday, by Sunday they were all friends. Laughing so hard it hurt and crying too, and letting the divine feminine back in to their lives where it had been diminished and a little forgotten. Full Power comes on with Horses therapy and their session with my beautiful horses was inspired and totally awesome. We did yoga, somatics, massage therapy, clay bathes, sacred fires, biomat sessions with healing from Michele Mayama on dvd and yes, horses.  They moon walked under the stars and wrote and burned into their issues in to the ethers, choices for a new life here. Wow, ladies, I am impressed, you will never be the same and that was the point! Love you all, I am so proud of each one of you, and  I will see you soon, together again this spring. Anyone else want to have one of these retreats, we are ready to book you in! 715-426-7350 call us. Space for 6 at a time!

The Reconnection

I met and had a glass of wine with Dr. Eric Pearl several years back. He channeled this book. It is in my clinic and has been in my heart all along. The world, fragmented by so much illusion and opinion that reconnecting became the only way we would survive. Separate simply promotes a moment to think, but then the link must come to reconnect or your life line will diminish and disappear. We can not survive here alone, we are meant to be together. We came from the whole, the ONE, we broke off and went into density, all by our little selves, with only a mom and dad to cling to. If that did not happen, you free fell for awhile.  Frightening but educational. When people reconnect to one another or their guardian angel or their Creator, their life line starts filling them with energy again, kind of going to the gas station and getting pumped up! Who do you want to reconnect with, and what do you dream the outcome to be? This is the week to decide, with our world shifting, you have a  shot now! Take aim at your future, your dreams, your relationships, become clear and direct, and FIRE!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I tell people, do not ask me a question you do not want an answer for. I get asked to read auras a lot. It is a gift I have and willingly share when it is appropriate. In an appointment with me, you give me permission to be totally transparent, and allow every detail of you and your situation to be exposed. The mirror of me for you is cleaned every single day and I am totally accountable for it's clarity and take it very seriously. I love my job and the Universe supports me in my work here every single day. You are accountable for the answers you find in the mirror you choose to look in to . Again, do not ask if you are not prepared to take action. I have clients, who say one thing, learn something, and then do something totally different or just repeat their old behaviors. They do not follow the protocol their body lays out and then they return to me weeks later  totally frustrated. I smile and we start over. Pay attention, when asked, you are answered, you answer your own questions over and over, and then you want a different result without making the changes required. Interesting, humans and their lives, HUH??? Keeps me busy.

awake now

People keep telling me they wake up in the night and ask me why. When the liver is sluggish the body must throw some adrenaline in to get it to push through. That starts around 11 pm and runs till about 3 am. Some people wake up with their heart pounding, some think they have to pee, others are sweating. It is a response to the frustrations of your days, a poor diet, chemicals and other toxic things, becoming clogged. To release them, use some lemon and honey before you go to sleep, say a prayer out loud of - live and let live, forgive and forget and of permission to your higher self  or your guardian angel to help you deal with yourself while your body sleeps and stays out of the conversation. Old ways were spot on, the Universe wants you walking in the stars with them 8 hours a day, night is when you are free to leave for that chat. It is how the awakening is happening here. You will then wake back up in the morning, healed, fresh, cheerful and ready for another day on our beautiful EARTH! And your questions answered by the Creator who loves you most of all!!! Another toast with lemon and raw honey would be the best way to start fresh! SALUTE!

every dis - ease starts with an emotion

I teach that in my practice. HAPPY PEOPLE DO NOT GET SICK OR INJURED.  I want us to deal with our emotions up front, that way we avoid the biological disorder that comes from the perpetuation of those feelings. Here are a few, diabetes comes from the loss of joy and sweetness in life, Lyme's comes from the coldness being there. I see those two issues a lot lately. I know that when I work with someone it has to be a holistic approach, with emotion and stress being one third of the conversation about recovery. My mother died from Alzheimer's disease, that is the result of not wanting to remember life's lessons, a feeling of guilt presides. Guilt, shame, sadness, resentment, anger, worry and then the top dog, fear - all change your biology. They start little, if not aired out and released with grace and mercy and forgiveness, for both parties involved, they will start the flow of negative energy. You will then have to go backwards till you are smack in the middle of it again and heal it or leave. Both options readily available. My mom just  up and  left. Admitting she had made mistakes and seeking forgiveness from those she injured not her style, not her choice either. If you can admit you screwed up then you can unscrew yourself, your dis-ease and your future will be smooth and happy and healthy. If not, I will be in business for a very long time.

Use your words

People are not using their words. They are using everything but their words. Their truth and their desires are not understood by the universe or anyone else. I watch and see what comes out next, and if they are not just saying their words, they sputter, they defend, they blame, they make excuses, they yell, they curse, they blubber. You are accountable, period. If you know that, then just speak your truth. If you are still on the fence about your choices, or behaviors or history, be still and look very closely at how you became who you are and ask yourself, is this what I really am and want. Then, use your words. Try the mirror first before you try them on another human.  Be very specific, be clear, be honest and the positive. You are going to get what you speak and if you speak anything that you are not willing to have or own or do, if you speak it you will have to go through it anyway. The tongue is the rudder of the ship of the human, it is in scripture over and over, and you have been educated now. No excuses, no blaming your past or your job or your health or your pocketbook, YOU SPOKE YOU into reality with all it's detail and color. If you like what you got, score one for the team, if you wish you would have said and received something different, now is your chance to clear it up and start fresh, by using your words. Create your reality make it amazing, it is your choice.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

the universe is us, we are it, in little tiny pieces of potential

I know that to have something be attracted to me, I must first embody it fully. That has been tricky business for humans. I personally have embodied a variety of philosophies and beliefs along the way. We all have. I can hear the echo of words spoken that I believed until I decided they were simply not truth for me. Once they were written and burned, I moved ahead. Once my uncle said I had saddle bags on my butt, I was crushed. It burdened my mind for several years until I decided that was NON-SENSE. I forgave him and forgave myself for buying into that foolishness and it never was attracted to me. My friend's mom told me he never fit in to their family. I was so sad when she said that, because it has kept him alone his whole life. As soon as he forgives and forgets that, he will have the family he longs for. It is simple and true, you must believe and practice that belief everyday first to attract it in to your life. Pick one thing now and give it 30 days of your focus, devotion and love and see what you get out the deal! The universe will support this as it supports itself.

hair today gone tomorrow, and with it your connections

It disappears as a result of stress, it is a pattern prevalent in certain families. Your hair is a sensory device, and keeping it keeps you hooked up. The Windtalkers of the Native American nations, were silenced in their service to their country when their hair was cut off. Only after they figured that out, did they allow them  to grow it  back again. How have these truths been kept from the people? It is like the fluoride debacle, anything to keep you numb and dumb, and that is exactly what happens when you use fluoride.  Want to hear with your hair? Let it grow! Facebook friend the HAWC and get the recipes you need to regrow your beautiful sensory device - YOUR HAIR. Not only does it look good, it works good too.

My old friends

are appearing from every direction! I love that. I have been on my own for awhile now, and I loved that too, but enough is enough. My phone has started ringing again after years of silence. I know I chose those quiet years because that is the space I required to heal my life. My friends have also done their work too, in their own way and their own time and to hear about their adventures makes my heart sing. So many have earned their stripes. Taking lessons that I did not choose and learning how to work it out on their own, helping others now with their truth. AND honestly being as open as a book about the details, which are intense!! Thank you universe for community, and communion, both make my life wonderful. Today we share our ranch and it's magic with 7 beautiful women, who have come to community and communion. Namaste! to us all now. This is going to be life changing.

Releasing childhood issues

That seems to be the tact my clients are taking as the wind up their pasts down here. Childhood is designed to be a fully supported loving experience. Yet with the lame parenting I have had and seen other's have too, it left marks, scars and deep insecurities for many. Those ills and pains, those tears and fears, need to now all melt into the memory of the legend. We are being given the gift of the legend to that map we so desperately need to make our way through and home again. Those lessons truly no longer serve any of us except to show us how NOT to parent.  That is exactly what I told my own mother many many years ago, that I learned all of what not to do from my childhood and I was grateful for the experience and the ability I had to receive, believe and achieve although I had to get that on my own. Her fears were monumental and life threatening, not just to her, but to me too. Knowing that I would get past the abuse and the loss of parenting, was not known until I had my own children. Only then could I see the bigger picture and release the fears and heal the scars. It does make my legend solid and clear and I use it everyday to assist others in finding their own way out. Today release all those things you choose not to replicate. If you were hit, do not hit, if you cursed at, do not ever do that either, if you were told somehow you were inadequate, never say that to another person for any reason. Remember your words, thoughts and deeds BECOME YOU! See yourself now as the perfect happy little child you deserved to be and allow yourself the love and support you need to grow up into a happy healthy and very wise, ADULT! It is time that grown ups take this world into their arms and hearts and get it back to Eden the way it was designed!

Friday, October 25, 2013

old friends, new lives

I am having breakfast today with an old friend, who has a new life now. I am so happy that he is happy and healthy and  I want to hear all about it. Our journeys and our trials and tribulations are the stories that make others lives easier. During the storms, alone is better, during the recovery, alone works too, but in the end we will all be together again and love will rule. So today let's let love be the rule and celebrate survival and success with old friends and new lives!!!!!!! way to go Mike, I always knew you would make it through and you did in flying colors. Congrats, another PHD in life!

When do you say, it is all ok??

When you know that is the answer. I have had a lot of Aries clients lately. Mars is there home planet and warrior is their nature. Full of fire, energetic, productive and busy can-do people. With the shift in consciousness they are all being asked to lay down their swords and begin with a new way of being. This is challenging. It is hard to say it is all OK when you think was or is not. We have worked backwards, and looked at the fights, the fears, the defenses and abuses of a lifetime. We look at how it plays on their health, their relationships, their work and their play. Every single on of them has a major shift in the works. Peace..... yes peace is coming to the warrior. There is a warrior in all of us, and yes, peace is coming to us ALL! As soon as you  can say YES, OK, ALL GOOD, SORRY, and I love myself, my life and my world, and I will do the best yet I have ever done! It will be here! Passion will replace fighting, and love will rule the day.

Stop, drop and roll

Learned that as a kid, it is what to do if you are on FIRE! My horse yesterday with me aboard did the stop, drop and roll with me then having to then do the same. I always look at life a metaphor and that one made me think hard. Did I need to put my fire out, did we need an adjustment of some sort?? It turns out both were indicated and then with Bojangles help, executed. Life is challenging here and every time we turn around something different or unexpected comes our way. I am always testing the waters and sometimes the stop, drop and roll process reminds me when too much is just too much. Remember you are attracting what you are attracting. My pony says, mom, that's enough now!! We need to readjust ourselves, stand back up, shake it off and then, start again. Good advice Bojangles.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The ISSUE of the Ultimatum

It happens all the time. One will stand up and speak out loud their Ultimate Issues. That is what an ultimatum is. YOUR ULTIMATE ISSUES. The or else, we speak to others when it is really only us we are speaking to and about. I have heard lots of them, I have issued a few of my own. I have learned a lot about me and my ultimate issues and the dreams and goals they have distracted me from and also directed me toward. I have watched others wrestle with their own ultimate issues, and the illness and fear, that creates the rage and isolation. When if given a space to air itself out becomes that catalyst that changes their life forever. The fire transforms the issue once it burns up and the fusion occurs. I am fire in much of what I say and do here,  that creates a catalyst for those very issues that my work and my words sometimes  ignite. I love to see the flame of enlightenment lit, burst into a brightly burning flame, and then, watch and smile at  the clearing of the smoke and the ash. When it is finished the rising of the Phoenix I always knew in my heart was there. Each person now should consider what pushed them toward their ultimatums, name them, own them, call them up and call them out, then with the flame of love in your heart, forgive, release, receive and believe that you are that Phoenix rising from the ashes of your old ways and soar among the eagles and the Angelhawks now. We have waited for you for a long long while and the air is fine up here and the view amazing! See you soon.


the HAWC facebook page is full of awesome data in the realm of health and wellness. Tons of science and other perspectives on all that you encounter every single day. Please join me, I love sharing these ideas with anyone interested in the bigger picture of healing and the daily practices that make it possible. Go to the Susan Anderson page in Hudson WI and friend me, and then you can access the HAWC page. The way to our healthy balanced future is through partnering again with nature and I am sharing lots of great information. Thanks, see you soon.


As I reread my blogs after I post them, the changes of my life become so much more evident. In my past relationship to a former partner from more then one lifetime, I was called ANGELBABY. I loved that. He used that endearment to  me over and over. Funny now how that baby in me has grown up to be a woman. I know my name has changed now to fit that evolution. Thanks for the time we had together, although short. Those changes  that were made during that relationship made my life what it is today. I am grateful for the experience. Looking through the pages of our stories, some happy and some not so happy, it really is funny how through it all we just keep growing. AND that is the real miracle isn't it???? It is with the grace of forgiveness and the mercy we show one another for the lessons that this gets accomplished and becomes the blessings we are to share with one another to make this journey a little easier! My ranch is a blessing, and the angelbaby that build it is now the angel hawk woman who will use it for the highest good of everyone. With love and laughter, I smile and grow up now.

Naming ceremony

We do that in my Native American world. It comes when it comes. You are seen by a seer and they know who you are and name you. There are many names and many who benefit by knowing their real name and their true identity. We can then let go of someone else's idea of who we are or what we should be doing and get on with our real true authentic self. My native name was given to me yesterday in a ceremony that warmed my heart. Angel Hawk Woman is that name and  it fits  like a soft moccasin, and I love it! In the lineage of my existence all of my names begin with an A, and this is no different. I love the order and simplicity of our Creator and this universe. To know who you are is key, to know how special and rare you are makes this life amazing because there are no mis-takes. If you want your real name, ask the Universe, one of us will hear your request and see you and tell you what we see and give you YOUR NAME NOW.

Staying safe

It has been a wild ride. This world has turned upside down with it's drama. The stories of the shift will last for ever as legends of this time come forth and begin to share who they really were once and are  now, and how they came to be with us in this time. Yesterday a  young lady looked into my eyes and began to stream tears of relief, which is a very common thing at my practice. I smiled and asked her what .....she said I dreamed of you as a child. I knew someday I would find you and you would help me understand so that I could heal. AND HERE YOU ARE FINALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I smiled again and said of course you did. I was before I was born with many of you. I promised to come again to this planet and stay and help. I promised to be where I said I would be and I kept that promise. Many have come from very far away with the knowing that I was here and ready to assist them in some way. I had kept myself safe. I had survived much with that inner knowing of that promise. I know who I am, where I hail from and what I am to be while being on Earth. It has kept me happy, healthy and safe, the bigger picture is now ready for viewing by those who are willing to look up and see. Those are the ones I am to help stay safe while the world shifts and I am grateful for the opportunity to do this work. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


In this shift we are all becoming new. Being reborn here by choice and fulfilling a prophecy and a promise made to humans long ago. I look in the mirror and see new now. A new peaceful attitude, a new desire to share my work, a new life that enchants me with love and magic and potential. I, along with so many others came here again for the SHIFT, and got pretty beat up. I got tired and I got sad and lonely. I got mad and I got sick. I got fooled, and lied to.  Looking for a friendly face became a chore. I stayed home, I stayed in, but in spite of it all, I stayed on Earth. I am so glad I did. I have chosen a new life now. Healthier, and happier then I have ever been, ready, willing and able to live here in peace with a community of like minded friends who share the vision of what our world will soon become. Back to Eden for me, whole again,  and forever renewed! Switching now from carbon to crystal - you with me???


When I was little I wanted to be LET! Let me please I would say over and over. Be, go, have and on and on. Just let me. To let, is to simply allow. The changes we want our lives are allowed by the letting attitude. No demands or commands required. Simply allow all that you desire to have and  to be, come in to your world, your life, your health, your home. I have been pushed, pulled, scolded and sued, I have done the same.  I have been called a lot of names and been fooled by a lot cheaters. Letting go now of all of that. And letting love live here with me all the time is what the result is. I will now just LET IT BE. That song says it doesn't it? LET GO AND LET LIVE and LET IT BE, YOU and I deserve this! I am glad we made it!

The present of the present

I know so many who look for a different way and a different day. They look and plan and hope and wish. All good but it does stop them from the joy and the gift of the present moment. Waiting for the changes is waiting to live fully in the moment. As soon as people get that, they will heal instantly, love intensely and laugh all of the time or at least when they are not singing  and dancing!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

When no answer IS the answer

I always said I will not take NO for answer. I still do not. But what do you do when there IS no answer at all. Silence holding that space. I went into deep meditation today searching for a reason, an answer, and all there was was silence. The Universe had gone totally silent....... then MY  GUARDIAN ANGEL ANNIE said, there, the silence is your answer. She said that in that golden opportunity of silence, being still and quiet, that that is when YOU KNOW for sure there is a GOD, a bigger picture and so much more to the story. Then she said, it is time to tell your stories, all of them. Each one revealing the lessons of your lifetimes here and the glory of the creative process that allowed you to come and learn and now share. WOW!!! Above the human noise, came the higher truth of my purpose, the stories of my life, my healing and ultimately, the healing of so many others. Well, I guess I learn something new everyday, and this is awesome, thank you silence for your voice!  It is the answer I was looking for.

Changing horses in the middle of the stream

Dan Fogelberg sings that song and it applies to zillions of folks. I was married to a guy who changed jobs like he changed his socks. Never satisfied with any of them. I was married to another guy who changed women the same way. Marriage after marriage, and peppering it with girlfriends all along the way. I know there are no rules here, we make them up as we go. Yet I will say this, my friend Chuck and his beautiful wife Sharon are having their 50 year anniversary here soon and the love, the trust, the respect and the unbridled joy these two share is truly amazing to see and feel.  My yogi Jan said, in the end of your life together, those who endured the changes by not giving up or giving in to the temptation of abandonment, end up with the sweetest of all loves!! She is there with her husband and shares that love of commitment with us all in her happy nature and with her loving spirit. Before you abandon ship, think it through. If you really loved someone once, it is still there somewhere. Find it, figure it out, forgive and forget, get help.. There will be peace when we say we are sorry we ditched. To have someone in your life who really gets you, good and not so good is the best that love offers here and worth every minute you put in to it. You can run, but you will just keep running, changing horses in the middle of the stream means you are just going to get wet! 

In honor

of those who came and shared their visions and love of this place I want to say thank you! Today make the list. Who helped you, who loved you, who called you, who really cared???  Who offered again and again, even though you said no?  Over the years I had many who fit that bill. Those who taught me, made me laugh, went on adventures with me and who showed up when others did not. Today in review I want to say thank you very much. Some are dead, some are just past, some did not even know they made me smile and some will never know how much they meant to me. For all the lessons, all the joy and yes all the enlightening times, thank you and namaste'. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ! I am very grateful.

Squeaky wheels?!

I remember that saying, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. It was that way here for a long time. The more noise, drama, fits, and tantrums, the more attention. A lot of people got their fix that way. Needing to be the center of attention is a lonely place. Noisy, cursing, critical, even the class clown act.  It attracts a lot of stuff, and abuse is one of those things. It means that within there is no attention paid on the inner parts, then the person looks to the outside instead. Women will stay in relationships that hurt them for this very reason. Kids will love their parents even after being  cursed at or  a beating. And an animal will look in to the eyes of their human again, for a sign of light and one pat of the head. It is everywhere and needs to be silenced so it can be healed. Meditation heals this. The light of the human comes from within and shining it on the inside shows the disconnections, the losses, the grievances, the source of pain. I have been a part of this cycle just as others have, and letting it slip into the past now the easiest thing ever. My family had issues and it took me along time to forgive and forget those beatings, it actually took meeting others with that history to show me what I had endured and lived through and was now receiving grace for. I teach a great class that opens up a skill set for meditation that changes everything. Join us, the silence is golden. And what the world needs right now to begin the process of peace.

Choosing the things and people that make your life easier now

I have always loved a challenge. It is why I do the work I do. We talked yesterday about the gift I have for unraveling illness, my daughter prefers working in the wellness/fitness/prevention end of things. I have always been the one who would take the time and make the effort to work with the worst of the worst. The darkness has never daunted me. It is the best use of my Sagittarius nature. I have recently learned though that that law of attraction part spills in  to the rest of my life, and untangling messes and working with stress and pain became a daily thing. My world reflects my choices. My world needs now to choose people and everything else too, that just make my life easier and more fun. I love help, kindness, generosity  and that will be the law attraction for me now. Trying to change someone's mind or train them to do this work here the way I want it, is not what I am willing to do, any more. There are so many advanced souls running around here now. I just have to change my level of magnetism. I expect the best of the best and accept it freely with great joy and  happiness! How about you, ready for easier now? Be the best you have ever been and see who shows up!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Meditation for peace

This is the time now, before you sleep, meditate on a peaceful night and a more peaceful tomorrow. Let is sink in and dream about it, we are the dreamers, who dream the dreams of love and life and full power and a recovery of the human spirit!

Linus, the runner

I got a kitty awhile back and was told he was a runner. I said ok I will do my best to give him a good home that he will love to stay in. Friday He left. Now he has been with me for about 4 years, but a girl kitty is here for a minute and he is unnerved by her and her personality and presence. They make a lot of noise! Fighting for whatever they think they need to fight about. Waking me up with their foolishness. I was gone for the weekend and when I got back he was gone. I guess he needed some time alone to consider his options. I called and called to him all day, but NO LINUS. I am not a worrier, so instead of letting him go from my heart I meditated and called him back in. I told him he was safe here, and loved, and that peace would rule this house and also that in a couple weeks the girl kitty would go to her new home. This morning he returned!!!! That is my life, lesson learned, love for us all and magic every minute of the day. Happy to have you back old friend!! Faith, hope and love, they work every time.

The return of the feminine energy

maiden, mother, crone. that is how is comes in on the left side. I am all three. It took many years for that energy to find is place back to the planet.  For a very long time it was abused, disrespected and often times eliminated. As we embrace our divine feminine energy, it is the relationship to all things female that mirror back to each of us, those lessons. Some are working out mother issues, I hear stories about that all the time because of my own experience. I have healed that for me, by using those lessons as life changers in every way it manifests. Daughters help with that pain and loss in a way no one else can.  Many females adopted a more male way of living in the absence of the male energy partnerships designed to support and balance us because males were lost too in their one sided lives.  I am grateful for my amazing girls and all they taught me about me. This is for everyone, this is half of who and how you are. Male or female, wholeness is for all of us.  Embrace it fully, and become loved again. I call Mother Mary when I need a friend, so did the Beatles. She is a great resource for feminine energy here, and I for one, love being a girl with her as my mother figure. As we heal our hearts, our past, our true whole self emerges and there is no holding back when that happens. Heaven and earth merge right here for us all to see and share. Thank you for the return of the Queen!! She now takes her rightful place next to her King and I believe a new day and a new way will result. Peace out.

Take a deep breath

For our inner lighting to become bright we need air, lots of air. Deeply breathing with Yoga or meditation or however you get your air will clear your vision. Smoke softens the transition. I have used it many times when I feel it will soften things for me. I have also not used it. I carry a pipe for my nation and that is an opening that gives me peace and connection and I am very honored to have that skill and ability and the gifts it brings. Let the smoke clear and let the clean air in. Allow your vision to become crystal clear, then look at yourself, your home, your life, your responses. If you are still worried, or insecure, or even afraid, then use your smoke to dull the feelings until you feel ready.It is a gift found in nature to support humanity in transition. When you are ready and willing for the light that is yours to have and use, step in to the crisp clean air of earth and breath!!! You will be thrilled by what you see in the light of a healthy happy loved body filled with fresh air lighting your internal flame!

Knowing there is more

In my dreams is my reality. I have vivid life like experiences. I can talk out loud and feel the real deal. It is the thinning of the veil. I know in the end everything will be love. I also know getting there is challenging. I accept it with a peaceful heart and keep my eye on the prize. That is life here and all it offers! A real gift, and knowing that keeps me grounded and happy and loved, with or without the things I want today, knowing for sure my values, my ideas and my way of living is mine to cherish forever. Matching those to another's not my job. It will happen in it's own way. Someday.....

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Time for family connections

If you have neglected your family, especially your children and their children the loss is massive. The energy of the family is the anchor energy of our earth. I spent the night with my kids and their husbands last night, and after hours of fun, food and music, I slept the best I have in years. In thinking about that gift, I realize that it was a after effect of the time spent in the family connection. My life has been about learning how and why and what effects our health. Family is a huge factor. Those who walked away, sad, mad or hurt or rejected, need to rethink this. Their family connection is their lifeline to love, and a connection that whether used or not, never really disconnects.

The crush

Remember those intense feelings? The crush. If you think about the word it really does speak volumes. As we proceed into life from here forward, we need to let go of that behavior and let love grow naturally and simply. We need to teach our kids to stay away from that behavior.  Getting to know someone is a treat and gift to both people. It allows growth and allows pause and reflection. I have forever had crushes and had them on me. It is not a way of life I am interested in any longer. It creates a high energy flash in the pan sort of relationship that hurts in the end. The leap before you look attitude. Giving away that time to really love someone you want to know forever because the crush is allowed there like a steamroller. Connection is a gift and should be treated with respect as if it is fragile and precious. Love does not crush, not anyone or anything, ever. So think it through before you let your energy and your excitement run away with you, crushing you or me - not an option not now not ever again. Take the time to really get to know people, friends and partners deserve the care and consideration. Thanks for listening..

Heart centered

What does that look like. It is not adrenaline driven, there is no ego there either. It is not a dream place but a very structured and super energetic  place where heaven and earth merge in the human body. In the heart is the love of  your life and purpose that came in with the breath of birth. It has a solid and safe quiet way of being spirit being human there. Many are awakening to their heart now with a-fibs, arrhythmias and heart openings called heart attacks. Common by age 50 for those still living in the lower 3 chakras. I attract a lot of adrenal energy driven people because I have a lot of that energy going on. I love excitement but can not live with it dominating my days. I also have a full power chakra system with the 7 lit in body and another 5 in the etheric. My days, my yoga, my meditations, my angel friends along with my home, my family, my work and my play all balance in my life and my world by using the heart centered philosophy and setting a course of action with that in the anchor position. It took me a long time to speak my heart, to find someone to trust with that and to love myself enough to say no to anything but that centered gentle loving way of  being human. Here's to home, heart and hearth!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Who GETS you?

gets you now forever. I have been misunderstood more then once in my life. My wanting to be got was one of my lessons here. Trying to fit in to a society that held dear things that made sick and sad and left out was the challenge. My health was the greatest lesson of all and it became my career. I GOT IT! My friendships shifted as my eccentric and unique perspective took a hold of my days and my dreams. I got new friends who GET me. I had to try out new things, new people, new locations and a new  SUSAN. This is how it will shake out, you do not need to sell yourself to anyone who gets you, it is free, love is and always was free, and that's what you get, when you GET YOU!

secrets revealed

 I see people hide, their hearts, their money, their choices and on and on it goes. It is odd and gives them great stress. I try to assist in explaining that everyone knows everything, all the details are there in your energy for everyone to see. Pretending makes people sick and overweight and depressed. It causes dis-ease. Sometimes it creates disturbances that only drama and revelation can reveal. Trying things out in the light is all you can do. If it is right it will stick with you and raise your energy up. If it holds you in a behavior that is not be-coming to you, asking for help in the release of those choices is the next step. I see cravings, addictions and old programming now wanting to be expunged! Sage, burnt, will smudge your energy field and clear some of that old junk away. A clay bath will pull it from your body, and sunshine will lighten up your field. Lots of water, good company and laughing out loud especially at yourself will ease the process of release. Just letting go by writing all the old stuff down and burning the page will help clear it too. I personally like healing touch for processing things I have a difficult time understanding. Choices are being made, let them be the ones you want to shout from the mountain top! Be proud of yourself in all you do!! Be honest about what you want and how you are willing to get it and share it with this world. There are no secrets anymore, all is revealed in the light of the new age. I for one am relieved, this will lighten my work load a lot!!!!


It has been  incredibly under rated. People compete, compare, and simply have an opinion when one is not asked for. My friend was kind to the neighbor and they were so surprised they offered money in response to what he had done. I see in the eyes of humans what kindness looks like and try to be that way. The little kids that come to ride my horses flourish with those kind words and kind ways.  So do I. There is no need for anything less, never ever. We have all entertained angels unaware and you can see them by the warmth and penetrating look in their eyes. Look and know you are being given a chance and a choice to raise your frequency. Watch and see and believe and receive. Down's people are always kind, they smile and enjoy every single moment they are here, did you know they are all human angels?? Think about it, remember this is your chance to be kind, and what you give is what you receive in return.

The full moon flush

This is a big one, and letting go of what and who does you no good  is the gift. Look in to the mirror, see who and how you are and  decide what needs to stay. Keep it with a smile. Be grateful.  If it makes you proud, healthy, beautiful and has you getting up in the morning with a smile, it is yours to keep! If you are sad, worried or embarrassed or alone, say good bye to the choices that keep you separate from who and what you love. There is no right or wrong, there is just love. In this millennium I have met and kept some awesome friends. I have also released a few along the way, those who did not match my energy or my vision of what a real friend should be like for me. It has taught us all a lot. I love this lifetime, it is the culmination of so many things learned. Full moon flush! Awesome !

Friday, October 18, 2013

Earth the Blue Planet

Blue is the emotion color, it is the water of you that moves through and allows you the gift of  the feeling  of emotion. I set my feelings aside for many years because they were too much for me to handle. I have been an observer more than a participant in this lifetime. Emotion normally got me spanked as a kid and also as a grown up, so I became very quiet and distant. I just got too tired to play any more. I have now begun again to feel, to see the joy and to laugh again really hard! I learned to cry too after a long period of stillness and it has healed much of the pain I experienced  along the way. Let your feelings show, tell your truth quietly but loud enough for someone to hear you. I recently let someone go who could not hear my feelings about things here and in the end I yelled which I try not to do. I am learning, how about you?? This beautiful blue planet will thrive again when the feelings of love and trust and community rise up and take place here all day everyday.

I will be fun to see who shows up

I am not a patient person, never have been. I have though, waited for the things and people too. Catching up to my fast pace has been other's frustration with me many times and in many ways. I walk real real fast. I talk real real fast too. I record my work so the client can review the session that comes from me so quickly, when they can take their time and stop and start it. I want to be on a more even pace with others now, not ahead and certainly not behind. Pleasantly even will be my way now. I am excited to see who shows up and what they will bring to the relationship. Waiting is over now, we are here. Glad you made it!! Me too.

eclipse today - use it well

Look it up, it is very powerful and very life changing. You are being given a chance at a quantum growth spurt here. Put out there what you want, who you want to be with, how you want to work and play. THEN SHOW UP!! When the curtains lifts after the eclipse and you are center stage, make sure you are exactly where you want to be. This is the end of random, and the beginning of choices - spot on and instantaneous. COOL HUH?????

Old enemies, new friends

I have fought many battles in my life, some real, some imagined. Yet in my field of experience they were all mine to savor now with the eyes of wisdom. I spoke of love language and how people have different ways of expressing their feelings. My friend said he used to express himself one way but it didn't work over 30 years ago and he never did it again. I said that was something I had waited my whole life to have and when no one did that or set that up for me, it made me feel bad. We have both learned a lesson in that experience. It is time to connect the dots. Reveal the real you beneath the layers of life and the colors and tones of our experiences. In the end there will be only the authentic self and that is exactly who we came to gather back to our hearts. Fall in love again with YOU and let the world feel what love feels like.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

gone cold...

Remember that game? Colder, hotter, clues to finding what you are looking for. And when it is real real hot - YOU ARE ON IT! You are with it too. How about when it is cold? The human body is designed to be 98.6 degrees in it's healthy state. Many now are cold all of the time, with a lower body temperature, their out of balance normal, but NOT HEALTHY. It is also that way with their moods, their relationships, their jobs. No fire there. The fastest way to end a marriage is to lose your fire. If your fire is low or out, so will your magnetism be. We are drawn to flames and the warmth and light they give off. That is the spirit that connects us all together. I am a fiery character, double fire in my natal chart. I need water to keep me calm and balanced. I know that is how I do my very best. In the heat of my experience and excitement I can attract a lot of things, and people too. So do you. When I grow cold, and distant, it means the fire in our connection has gone out. It will light a path and keep you warm and excited, that fire of yours. If you spend that heat energy being mad, or loud, or disrespectful or distracted, there will not be enough for you to attract anything at all. You will then be left out in the cold  with only you. That is a lonely place, where meditation and reflection are the only tools left to reflect on in the spent light of your own flame. Are you running normal or hot or cold now?  It will dictate your day and your way. I love the warmth of a smile, the light in someone's eyes, I am enchanted by words spoken to inspire me or make me laugh, music lights me up and so does the warmth of the company of good friends. Come on baby light my fire, that's what Jim Morrison said and he was HOT!

Susan and Gypsy the Unicorn

In the dawn of the new age we should be celebrating with who and what we love. I am here among my fine furry friends and could not be in better company. Lifetime after lifetime horses have been with me, supporting me, carrying me where I want to go, letting me cry in to their soft fur, inspiring me to take good care of me so I can take good care of them, and sharing my vision of partnership with nature that I love and live with and for and promote constantly. I look out and see what love built here and I am grateful and fulfilled. Thank you for sharing our life with us, even if it simply with this blog, we are all connected.

The human condition

I deal with it every single day in my job. People are coming in and looking for a way out of the maze they seem to be trapped in. Over and around and around and BANG into the same wall they hit before. I see it with weight, energy, sickness, and sadness. I hear blame, guilt, remorse,regret and so much confusion. They have wandered around for a very long time with no direction and the answers never seem to come. They try everything, jobs, relationships, looks, beliefs, for a minute and if it does not yield the bounty they seek, the SHAZZAM they thought it would, they drop it, and try something  or someone else. It is comical and also exhausting. In the revolving door of the human condition, round and round they go. Divorces are every where, hospitals and nursing homes and prisons full up. The lost seeking shelter and community with the company of the lost. Are you feeling lost, lonely, misunderstood, sick, abused, disrespected?????? Start with YOU. Ask yourself three questions. Would you want you as a friend, a lover, a neighbor, an employee? Then ask Why? AND IF THE ANSWER IS NOT A DEFINED 100% YES I am the very best I can be, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO CHANGE SO THAT YOU are? I see over and over the eyes of those who want approval for behavior that does not enhance them at all, not to me and certainly not to themselves or others. Why would you look to me or someone else for something you do not have and demostrate for yourself? We are the ones, we have been waiting for. Once you remember that your condition will measure up to your expectations. It is up to you to decide which condition you are going to have, fit and happy and loving or NOT?


Crisp, clean, clear....those are the words describing the vision I have for the future on Gaia. She is ready for those whose vision of themselves and their purpose here as clean and clear as she has  ever entertained. Look in the mirror and see you, sharpen your perspective, let no one else's ideas have any bearing on it for you and then see what you want and how to proceed. If you look good and feel even better, go for it. If you are still left with doubts, hurts or losses, clean up the view. You are the visionary, the turret of your ship, you hold the scope, and you are the only one plotting your course. Horses love humans because their high focused eyes give them a specific destination. Eye on the prize so to speak. You are the prize for YOU! Look sharp, it is time.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Letting go..........

Time now to simply let go of anything or anyone who holds you down or back in any way. Our eclipse on the 18th will shut it down, once and for all. The words of your parents, your church, your buddies, that held you up and held you hostage will now be released from your heart and head. That pounding of those old memories and hurts will quiet and when the moon comes out from behind the darkness you will feel the release and it's relief. Just let go, you were created perfectly, that is all you need to know, and in the end there will be only love.

Next level - goin' up???

I am. We attract those who are at the same level. I have been stuck for the past few lifetimes at a level that attracted things and people that taught me a lot about me. I love this planet for that very reason. I had to sift through and keep what I loved and let go of any stress. People are the best delivery system of learning self here. I look into the mirror of another and see me. What do I like, what has to change. I know now that less is not my way, I know now that loss is not for me either. I know that being on time was always super important to me, and that being present with a neat appearance, a good vocabulary and smiling face is what I love to do. It is my life, and going up now attracting those who love what I love is going to be awesome! Health, happiness and horses should get this party started.

Who do you report to???

I report to me and Creator, every single day, accountable for every thought, word and deed. It is how I am and what I do. I have been self employed since 1988 and I have been totally in charge of all of my own reports. No one to pay me or bail me out, just me, my meditations and my listening ears and heart. Others may do it differently, how do you do it? If you report to another human and fail to listen to suggestions and directions, why do you choose that? Your divine design gives you all the guidance you need, learning to listen and then adapt is your journey. It can be health, relationships, work, or even just life. I have failed to communicate clearly on more then one occasion. Being heard and clear and standing up for my beliefs and desires and needs, is new to me. I used to make sure others had what they needed first, even if it not match my needs. I learned the lesson of love finally and loving myself first gives me the ability to love others in a much better and clearer way. Loving you may mean letting you go.  I have done that with several and it was the best most loving choice I have ever made. Someday in the light, the love of the time and the experience together will be the memory and soon as the grace of forgiveness takes it's rightful position. I forgive all who I have been hurt by and will gladly report that! I am sure they will forgive me too.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Use it or lose it

It is time to expand into the use of what is real and true for you. Illusions are melting away. Barriers are being broken down, truth is available, and light is permeating the carbon here and upgrading this world into a pure crystalline field. That includes humans. As the shades are pulled down, the light shining in is revealing your truth. We will all see it together. Naked, exposed and maybe a little vulnerable, yet this is exactly what you came to experience. Just let it happen. It will bring relief, warmth and full exposure to every little dark and hidden detail. We have no use for secrets here any longer. All is to be shared equally for the highest good of Gaia and her children. So stand up, let the light bathe you and let the love of the Source of you fill you to overflowing with the knowledge that you were created perfectly and have never been forgotten. If it feels good use it, if it stings or stinks lose it. Today is the day for full power! Bring it in to yourself with your intention of the best yet!!!!

True love

Many lives, many loves. The true love is the one who matches you in every way. It is the easiest and the hardest all at the same time. It is the old soft boot that fits better than any other one in the closet. It is the mirror that reflects back the truth, no matter what it is and says we need to work on this TOGETHER. When it is balanced and flowing, it is patient, kind and ever present. It is energetic and sexy and funny too.  It remembers all the good stuff and lets go of the challenges. I have known that love many times in many lives and know it is the right thing for me. Today you are given an astrological shot at revisiting your loves,  go for it. Remember every detail and when you are clear and have set your heart straight, get ready,  the love you desire now will be the best yet. The awakening promises it and I am ready, awake and have dreamed of it again and again, how about you?

Living the dream

The Mayan calendar has ended and the dream of the shift and what it will be like very soon is a daily job now. We have experienced so much along the way.  Earthlings have created massive structures and institutions supporting beliefs that are now totally outdated and ending. Sins of the past are being exposed in the light of the dawn of the wake up time, and many are standing with their mouths hanging open in shock and disbelief. It is something to watch. Sick and sad and broke and alone are the top winners of the end. Crazy stuff!! The dream is yours to ignite and manifest. It is the time we have come for, all of us here have a shot at it. For a dream to come true, you must first dream it. I tell my clients, get a notebook and start writing and drawing, remembering and loving it into reality and fruition. Choose the very finest things and people that you can think up. Choose the life that wakes you up early smiling and raring to go every single day. Choose the relationships that add in energy, that surprise you with love and joy and more of it each day. Live where you love to be and fit in, where you are comfortable and able to care for it and keep it safe and clean and balanced.  Keep a journal of your progress, your health, your relationships, your work and your success. If something keeps repeating itself, get help at clearing it from your life. Dreams are a big part of our future here, what you believe you will receive. I believe I am here to live the DREAM!

Micro vs Macro

Sticking your nose in too close gets you a micro and super intense look at things. I see the micro managing going on right now. Looking at one small thing instead of the whole deal. Source is my job, underlying issues that create blockage in the flow of those I in contact with. Source is where I come from, Source is where I return each night. The ONE, the whole, THE UNIFIED FIELD OF LIGHT. It is my work here with my practice and in my day to day. If I focus on the micro I get tired fast. Others need to do their own micro managing of the self and what is it doing. I do better with the big stuff. Watching to see where the source of the issue comes from and making sure it is clear and understood and fully functional. I see past lives surfacing everywhere dictating behaviors that are fascinating. I see current life issues unresolved playing havoc and wrecking stuff while they try to get their owners attention. You have control over every detail, although many of you are unaware, some even unawake. Still victims to the lessons of self and creating a whirlpool of energy that does not stop pulling you down. I have a space and certain things I have responsibility for, I care for them, feed them, love them and am accountable for every single detail in the lives of those  in that space. I also  allow in others who feel the same way and are capable of the same accountability. I must cull out those who take more energy then they give. Those who mess things up and cause us all stress. There are those barely capable of showing up on time, let alone doing the job that is required for support and  growth. You are here to grow you. If you have a job you love or a life you adore, it is your responsibility to stay with it and grow in the light and love of it. If you are stuck, stranded, hanging with those who pull you backwards, get a macro view of the whole deal and pick a direction out of the issues. This is your chance to break free, get healed, find passion and order and way of life that you deserve and are proud of every single day.  Take a minute to step back and decide what in your life has value and what needs to be culled out.

Monday, October 14, 2013


It is done on this planet. It is a way of sending energy that makes the air and environment around you comfortable and likeable. I love to be in a charming place, with charming people. I also need to be aware that I am still in control of my own energy will enjoying or sharing charming experiences. My friend told me that he has been  with some people now who are not so charming, and they make him feel uncomfortable. I said how about you teach the charming lesson to them. It comes with gracious, loving, sharing, smiling choices, words and behaviors. Nothing else, or less will do. Gifts can charm, especially those given imbued with loving thoughts and effort and intention. Charm yourself today, get comfortable, give yourself a gift you have long desired, be the one you are looking for. When you have that all squared away, share your good energy with the world. No thing less will do now. Charm and graciousness are under rated these days and moving that warmth, generosity and love back into position should be fun.


Boy I say that a lot lately. I am surprised by so much of what is being done and said and put out there that I just have to say REALLY???? Is that what you intend, because that is what you are going to get, in spades, now that the energy is bigger then ever before. Creating here is amazing on so many levels now, the light of the awakening has penetrated into the depths of separation and darkness and many are up and at "em" and ready to get to work. The knowings, the gifts, the amount of vision has become alive here again after a very long sleep. Those playing the game of Eden restored are getting to it and I for one am amazed at the willingness and the magical abilities. IF YOU HAVE ATTRACTED A WAY OF LIFE YOU LOVE, THEN LOVE IT. If you are still trying to remember who you are and what you are supposed to be doing, take a minute and be still and listen to your heart. It is a pivotal time and you my dears are pivoting, choose a direction and step up and into the light of the new earth and the love of her and all of her children.

What grateful gets you?

It solidifies your intention to keep something alive. Period. When you criticize or complain, that becomes the focus and then an issue for you, your life and your health. I hear people say "I am too fat" all of the time, rather than saying, my body is doing the best it can, I love my body, I am grateful I am healthy. Instead the body hears the FAT word and stays with that program. The same goes for less, lack and loss too. If you repeat it, or point it out, you receive it right back in your life. I used the word fragment yesterday to explain how souls fall apart. Little pieces break off for different reasons. Gathering them back up with love and gratitude is how you rebuild the life, the body, the energy of you. Picking out what is wrong, instead of what is right, will get you a whole lot more of what is wrong in your opinion right smack in your life. Remember your opinion is none of anyone else's business, so the only one you are influencing is YOU. Be grateful for you and what you have chosen, and if that is not measuring up to your standards, change YOU! That is the only variable you have a right to work on or even comment on, and gratitude gets you a long long way.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fear makes people do crazy things

I lost it the other day, because the fear I felt.  The failure of what I had entrusted someone to do made me crazy. The look in the eyes of the children who would not have been able to have their horse day made me rage. Yelling is crazy. It does no one any good at all unless it is offered as a warning. It was a warning too in this case. Simple and very true. I have seen fearful horses run people over, bite, kick, and bolt into trouble. Humans do that too. They make irrational choices when fear is the present energy. They push, shove, holler and destroy things, other people and their own health and lives, with that energy. It is a powerful force here. You will get what you use in your words and deeds. Fear gets you nothing but sick, hurt and alone. It gets you failure in finding love. Confidence, honesty, passion, and a willing spirit on the other hand, get you blessed and productive. Use your inside voice, your inside feelings, your inside gifts and abilities now. Use love to exist on all levels. Use breath to clear the fear. Meditate and live powerfully and change yourself, your life and OUR WORLD. That is my goal.

Extra-ordinary Buck Branaman

I watched the movie Buck again yesterday. He is a horse guy I admire. He came from a childhood of severe abuse and evolved himself into a master over this affliction. He did not perpetuate the DNA of his father, he morphed it. Forgiving and never forgetting, sharing shamelessly the pain that fear and separation create in movie for us all to see. I cry every time I watch it.  Then after the tears stopped, I went out and rode one of my beautiful horses. Then I cried some more remembering how many times riding my horse Jenny as a kid, after one of my mother's hideous tirades, healed my soul and my black and blue strap marks. Bubba the horse was awesome, swift, surefooted and totally supportive of me and my feelings. He coughed a little, and reminded me of the sadness in my own lungs that remains from those dark days. Kids never understand what is so wrong that abuse is the answer.  Neither do animals. No matter how old or distant we get from those experiences we never really do understand how or why anyone can treat a child as anything less than fragile, precious and perfect. WOW, another level of learning for us all. Thanks Buck, you are an extraordinary example of how healing, health and horses works for you  and ME TOO! I honor our journey here, and know it has value, and with that being said, NAMASTE' to us all.

I am a BEING......

of violet fire. That is how my daily prayer begins. There is a lot more to it, but sharing the first line of my mantra with you is my way of adding you in. Evolution is occurring around us  all of the time and evolving into healthy happy humans requires the decision to be made daily to evolve effortlessly and easily into the best you can be. You are an angel or higher light being, BEING A HUMAN for a minute or two. Some of you fit in pretty well and others never seem to get comfortable here. I understand completely. So start each day by addressing and adoring the spirit of you first, then get back in to your human body suit with ease and focus. Do not just fall in after a long night of absence, be intentional, be clear about who, how and what that HUMAN being is going to have and do this day. You get one day only!! Make it the very best you have ever had. I am a being - being loved and loving, magnificent in my own special way, living in light, and peace all day long.

Fear NO -thing, Love EVERY-thing

It can not be both ways. You can not fear and love at the same time, it is an oxymoron. If you vacillate you will never attain anything you desire. Passion is fearless. Creativity is fearless too. Growth only happens in love and the energy love creates. You decide. It can not be both ways.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

People are falling back in love with LOVE

As kids we were told fairy tales about adventures and love. They were enchanting. When we grew up we went on the hunt for both. The love that people feel when they are in balance and loving and who and how they are, heals them. If you are sick, check your love quotient first. I got sick in the 80's and the love of myself and my love was what I was all about was needing some serious attention. I had strayed from my design and adopted someone else's idea of what I  should be like. Eventually it took a very steep toll. After I learned that I was out of step with my mission here and my life purpose and partner, I shifted. I was completely healed of an incurable condition and clear to move ahead to my true calling. I LOVE that! I fell in love with my work, my days are amazing and life here a dream come true. I fell back in love with me and the way I do what I do. It may not be what others consider normal or perfect, but I LOVE IT. Find out what and who you love, and then you will fall back in love with love too.

Frequencies of light

What channel are you on most of the time? The old channels you grew up with or the new age ones? I have been on a lot of different channels for a very very long time. The childhood channels were then, not now. Like watching cartoons all over again. Not for me. I do not go backwards, I do not repeat the same movie or book either. Once I have experienced the frequency I move to the next one. It is how we grow and learn. I have great memories but a completely new life on so many levels every day. Many are stuck on the old ways, in the old ruts, the comfortable and worn. I see that as a rut I do not want to be stuck in.  If that is what you want, then that is good enough, if you want something fresh and new and energetic, time for new channels and higher frequencies. Allow yourself the gift, you will love the information. You do not need to ask me about it or for it, it is available to everyone, especially if you open your heart to it. I do however have a gift for opening that frequency, so if you need a heart opener, come on over for an appointment. Remember though, it is you you then begin to fall in love with, not me.


People have been taught to compete for position. They compete with each other instead of working together. This will need some adjustment now if we are to create the new Eden here. It is not about ownership, it is about accountability. We all need to pitch in. You can not own anything or anyone but yourself and what do and say and how you act. Nor can I. I share nice, always have. It is the future of this world. I do not want to feel the pinch of ownership any longer, I want to feel the benefits of sharing. I also want others to share with me too. I am glad to know we are finally waking up to that. In the end, we will all arrive, so relax, enjoy the ride, enjoy the scenery, and enjoy the company. It is wonderful! This is not a race but a way of life.

Friday, October 11, 2013




No such thing. Blessed, for sure, because it is real and I know it for a fact. You are too! Blessed beyond your knowing, loved, cherished as precious, supported even in the darkest of times and Yes, eternal too. With that being said, now go and act like it, walk as blessed people walk, talk as blessed people talk and receive the blessings that blessed people receive! Once you move in to that position nothing will ever be the same, I am blessed and I am fully aware and grateful for the blessing of my life here, how about you, feeling lucky or blessed??????

What do you deserve?

It is a belief system that moves through the world. It can cause entitlement, which does no one any good ever. I can cause self pity, which creates drama and the need to be the center of attention. Or it can be a love of self and life here that is peaceful and calm and productive and happy and healthy. I see it every way in my work, people who get exactly what they think they deserve, by following a program that has never been theirs but an implant from someone or something else. Some get cancer because that is what they think they deserve.  My friend lost a child, his belief in deserving love and life and happiness after that completely disappeared. My client is always sick, it is the only way people come to visit him and that is the way deserves it to be. There are those who say one thing and do another, just for the drama, and drama is what they think they and the world deserves. There are those who are late, or sloppy, because they feel that is what they and everyone else deserves too. Really??? We need to fix this. You must decide what you deserve now. Make a list, check it twice. It has nothing to with what another deserves, it is your list for and about you. Then own it, cull out what you have deserved in the past that no longer is needed. Rewrite the good stuff, the powerful loving stuff, the dreams are made of stuff!! Then when that list is perfect for YOU, burn it, let it float in to the ethers that surround you and see how it all plays out for you. Dreams, we deserve them to come true. Dreaming your life in to reality is what we deserve and not one thing less.

The quiet

There has been a lot of changes going on. I sit in the quiet to sift through them. It is where the static and the noise and the smoke clear. If we would all just take a few  minutes to be in the quiet clear space, the still small voice within would speak to you. In pictures I can see, in sounds I can hear, in words I can understand, ask to know the truth. Your truth has waited a very long time to get you to be quiet and hear it and ultimately, know it for sure. It may be very different from mine, yet it is what it is. To know your truth is to know your heart and your soul purpose here. No more pretending to be something or someone you are not. Be you, be clear, be honest, be present, be accountable and be happy and healthy. Tell the truth about how that goes for you. Are you where you belong, with the people that you adore, doing the work you are proud to do? Time now for the quiet, and allow the unfolding of your own dossier. You are a good read, read about YOU. Then you will know your truth.


I always say that the only proper use of rage is to protect the children and nature. It has a purpose when the innocents are being neglected or injured. I have used it. Kids need our guidance, our connection to them must be clear and our accountability sound. They can not dictate their life, you do. You feed them, play with them, schedule things for them to do. You can be spot on or you can be random and careless. I want all children to know how much I care and that their experience here is under control and in order. I am accountable, are YOU?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where are you?

In the night you might hear those words now. Neptune is our dream planet and it is huge today, the question asked from you to you, where are you?  It is time to answer now, and if that answer is something less than what you imagined for yourself, today with Neptune supporting your dreams, dream the best, the coolest and the highest dream ever for yourself. Dreams do come true.


To stand up and stand out with grace and beauty and a willingness to share, is what proud brings. Proud people share their joy, their success, their truth. No shame remains. We did not come to be perfect, we already are. We came to learn and grow and be proud of how we did it and what the results are. To share your success is to be proud of your abilities and all that they accomplished. My client got a PHD in the school of meth-addiction. He went, he immersed himself in it for 20 years and then he healed his life and walked away alive and willing to help others by sharing his truth. Until I mentioned his PHD to him and that I was proud of his ability and willing spirit, he still felt ashamed. As soon as he heard how I saw it as a major success and something to be so PROUD of, his worthiness returned to him and he became Proud of himself. Are you proud of you? Your looks, your words and yes your deeds are the measurement of that worthiness, first it validates you then it ultimately makes you smile and be proud! We all deserve to feel this way, there is no ego there, just joy and love and that willingness to share it all.

Broken families, broken world

Each child here deserves their family to be healthy. You need a license to drive a car, but there is no exam to pass before you have a kid. People do it all the time without planning and caring about the results. I see those kids every single day in my practice. Their parents are the ones who need parenting! The kids are lost in the fragmenting . A kid can not grow happy, healthy and in love with themselves if their parents never grew in to that. Are you one of those parents? If you wish your kid was happier or more successful or fit or loved by others, it is because you are not. They are YOU. Electrically connected by the DNA you carry and share with them. FIX YOUR PROGRAMMING NOW. If you have kids, write down what you like about them and then what you wish they had. Then apply it to YOU. My girls grew up in a home without a father there for half of their childhood, my issue not theirs. In examining me, I said to them, love your daddy no matter what, he is all there is! It changed me and helped them, their husbands are rock solid, the spell has been broken. Whole families, now friends, reuniting forever. Love never dies. Remember that first, then rebuild your life and theirs will be better for it. Fixing now what was broken.

The fragmenting of a soul

In the beginning there was ONE, then it began to divide. In the end will the THE ONE again, with the fragments reuniting. I am a fragment, so are you. Unity is the challenge. Each fragment must first reunite within the structure of each human here. The heart is the home plate. After that you will begin to pull the info of your star heritage and bring that to your heart too. People searching and searching, running out the door and down the road for what is and always was on the inside, that is what is keeping us fragmented. Going from person to person, relationship to relationship, job to job, bar to bar and  the search continues.  Stillness brings us face to face with US. I have been very still lately. I like me. So do others.  Liking yourself best and most is how to bring the fragments back together. Attraction is love, being attractive and magnetic is loving yourself. Then being your own very best friend all of the time, no matter what. Are you proud of you? Can you trust you with all that is precious to you? Once you have fallen in love with YOU and YOUR life, then you can look to add in. Not one minute before. Gather your fragments, examine each piece, make sure they are exactly what you like and want to keep now forever. Anything even a little off should be embraced for the lesson and then let go of with gratitude. No regrets just love for the experience. You are putting yourself back together now. Once done, your family will reunite, your friends will reappear, your world will become all that you love and you will love living in it every minute.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The eyes of the father

They told the whole story. Mistakes, misunderstandings, misalignment. Then the deep feelings of regret that linger and dictate the energy. I see this every day. The health of someone altered by this very thing. Fat, sad or sick, lost and alone, frustrated or fearful, all resulting  from the same thing. Our DNA links us to one another, no getting around the hook up. It also links us home. The source of all that is fuels us through that linkage. Rising up and lightening up too and being the bringer of the dawn and the love and the light is each person's job here. If you have any regrets at all, any, go and shine your love light on it. Make amends, say you wished you had done better, say I love you. Whatever it takes to balance the field and restore the harmony in the SELF. I looked in to those father's eyes and said - FIX THIS!            He smiled.              We will see.        

Today is her birthday!

I have two daughters, and today is Carly's birthday. She is 29 and beautiful and happy and loved. I know I had a lot to do with that. In loving life here, loving our children is the gift we give ourselves. She is a gift to me and always has been. She has been teacher and student, cheerleader and opponent, old and young, all at the same time. Our beautiful children mirror us to us, then after awhile they create their own reality, family and success, based on what they have learned from us. Today look at your kids, see what you gave them and tell them you love them and are so glad they came in to your life. All is well and improving, and if there is something left there that seems disturbing, change yourself, your words, your view, your own attitude, before you look to them. You will be amazed how quickly it improves, when you improve yourself in the reflection of THAT MIRROR, your  children hold. Thank you Carly, when I look at you and see me, I am grateful and proud and love you!! We are perfect and beautiful and sing well too!! Happy Birthday!!!


I got 50 cents a week, then a buck, then 5 bucks as a kid. Then I started working at making my allowance my own responsibility, and that is how it went. As I considered my allowance, I determined that what I was expecting was what I would get. I expect a lot! So I get a lot of allowances. It is simply the opening of the ability to receive. I teach it in meditation. To allow easily and effortlessly whatever you need, to come to you. Today, allow allowing. Decide what you would love to have and in what way and what amount can you handle gracefully. You are the maker and breaker of the patterns of your life, in allowing the goodies to come, you are using the gifts given, to manifest and expand. So if you are short on anything, money, love, purpose, friends, whatever it is. TODAY RAISE YOUR ALLOWANCE!!!!!!!!!! You are the only one who can do that!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A baby girl was born yesterday much to joy of her family. I was happy for them. And then I got to thinking about the promise of parenting. It is a hard one for many to keep. Many kids are ditched, ridiculed, abused, drugged and unloved by their parents. Then they run!!! I have known the runners, I am one. Not fitting in with your own family, being loved for who and how you are, causes that running thing. I loved a runner too and that is too hard to describe. I do a natal sun, moon and rising chart for my kid clients. Not for the kid, but for the parents. I say, KNOW who this kid is on the inside, and love them for themselves. Do not take out your frustrations on them, but meet, greet, love and cherish them as new friends in your life. They are a promise to this world that there are those now arriving who can help! Keep your promises! Show up and stay connected!! Keep them safe and love them, they are your life and your legacy and all you leave when you go.

May beauty and grace follow you all the days of your life.

That is a beautiful blessing. I feel it everyday. Beauty and grace. I look to my angel friends for their part in those features as specialists that bring it to a higher level of existence. Ananchel or Annie as I call her is the Angel of Grace. she has been with me all of my life. I call her Annie the parking Angel, since she assists me with parking spaces - gracefully all of the time. Iofiel is the Angel of Beauty, she brings it to the table every time. Simple yet elegant, her beauty becomes the beauty of everything, like a giant overlay. Find your blessing. What do you desire each day. Ask for it, say it out loud, there is an angel in charge of all things here. Once requested to do their part, they willingly pitch in and show you ways and things only Angels can. AND THEY FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE! Cool huh?? WHO BETTER?


I have always been connected to the DNA of my Native American Father. It is the liveliest strand in the bunch. It gives me my dreams, memories, visions and cravings. It is what I love in life and art and structure and beliefs. It simply matches me. I have an affection for the way of life and the look of that life in my life. I attract those who also love it. In your life here you are given gifts, memories and charges. You chose your path in and on and through this lifetime. Does it connect you to you? Or do you live the way some else does or wants you to?  To be healthy and balanced and happy, one must find that connection. Let it rise to the top of your life, like cream does in fresh milk. Just let it come. Sit still, surround yourself with music and scenery that inspire you and then just close your eyes and see. It will be there, right where it always has been while you were out chasing around looking for it- right there on the inside of YOU!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lasting forever, love is it

No matter what you did, what ever role you played here, how you behaved or who got left out or pulled in. The only thing left now, is love. Look around  and see and feel  the who and how of that. You will know what is right and true, because no matter what, it is what it is. It was always true, although sometimes hard to remember in the pain and feel of separation.  I love this world and all that she offers, I love this life here, crazy as it is. And I love being me, now more then ever before. And I love all the players, I have forgiven, and forgotten and will start fresh with whomever wants to play with me. Just like when I was a little girl! So give me a call,  and let's chat and I for one, am ready to get this party started!

Shattering the crystal

As Venus moves into Sagittarius, that birth we waited so long to celebrate has happened now! The mother is back on the planet and she is smiling and bringing in all that mother's love! Let's enjoy the new energy now. Allow, embrace, forgive and yes, forget about anything that happened before  now! It is time for a fresh start, beautiful, healthy and full of potential. It is time to get the place cleaned up and love every part of a being a human being a human!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

You know

Knowing is the ability to trust your own judgment. It is that for sure feeling and the confidence that comes with it. You know what YOU  KNOW! You  know who you know too. I know people from here, my work and my childhood. I also know some from other places and times we have had together. I must admit, those are my favorite knowings. I have looked in to the eyes of someone and remembered them and smiled. Saying to myself, well, there you are again. Those are the ones you promised to hook up with again for a very special reason or a season. My friend Nancy gets to have 20 years with me in life after life. Did it again in this lifetime and it was grand. Remembering and  cherishing those times are so important. I know who I know and love them even when they are absent, because I know I will see them again soon. You know too. Do not waste any of it while you have the chance to be in contact here. Those are the most precious of all knowings,  knowing you from long ago and still loving you!! YOU KNOW???

As we move into our truth now

Non-sense is not an option. I have heard over and over, the dismissal of one's truth and inner knowing with that specific enchantment. NON-SENSE!  Grown ups say it to kids, scientists say it to mystics, doctors say it to healers, family members will dismiss family members because they only see the NON-SENSE. In the awakening of each one of us, that is not an option now. You are a sensory being.  Being numb or dumb isn't a part of the new energy. Senses are us. Smell, sound, taste, sight, touch and yes, the extra senses too. I have several of those alive and working beautifully, everyone will soon. Auras, energy, other dimensions, past lives, I see and have sense of all of that. I know it is my truth, and no one can deny it, discredit it, or smack it out of my hand any longer. Another's opinion of you is none of your business. Good advice given me long ago.  Allow yourself the truth of you, if you feel it and it feels right and makes you smile and interested, YOU are on the right track to your senses!! Once fully activated there is nothing you can not accomplish easily and effortlessly in our world. That is the truth.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friends are amazing

Today I am going to celebrate the birthday of a wonderful man. We became friends awhile back when friends were scarce for both of us. Coming through a rough period and landing together on the back of my Harley made us Biker Pals. I needed a driver and he needed a bike!  Getting to know him and with all his truth has been a great pleasure and I am sure a lifelong commitment. I simply wish to remind us that true, honest, loving friends are a real treasure and precious. Never forget it or them, honor and celebrate when you can, you never know what the future holds. Happy Birthday Rocky!!!

Dayton Hyde

We went to the premiere of the movie about his life and I must comment on what a truly remarkable man this is. If there is any interest in your life about preserving the things in our country that need preserving, this is a movie that will truly inspire you. Knowing that one person can truly make a difference is so vital to our recovery. This country of ours need to recover some of what it has sacrificed and this movie tells one hec of a story! You go get em Dayton, we got your back!!