Sunday, November 3, 2013

This is what I am hearing

"Just because you are responsible for this, doesn't mean you get to have an opinion." I have heard that my whole life. Doctors used to try that on me, my body, their opinion. Lawyers did it that way too.  Did not compute on any level, and in the end caused a separation. I know what I like and what I want.  People are told that all of the time, and then in their frustration, they want to do their bidding and their work on you not themselves! I look at fat, sick, sad, broke, lonely people everyday, and think, fix your own life first and if I want your opinion or assistance or to be like you I will. Once you are well on your way to something I can agree with and care about,  we can then chat again. People need to stand up for themselves, accountability and progress in the love of self and life here is the measurement.  It is like the guy who doesn't buy gifts for others but expects them to buy gifts for him and if they do not, he throws a fit. I am not a solution for another, simply a guiding light to myself. Health is my thing, and I teach it well. If you look at me and think that looks good and right, then only then you are in the right place. If you do not agree with my life, my look, my ways, do not try to change them, look at yourself and see what doesn't match and what YOU DO NOT LIKE. It is of no concern to me and I need to focus on what is right for me, not on trying to deal with what is wrong out there. This is my world and I am accountable for what I  have chosen to care for and about, I will do that with joy and great passion, I will leave the rest to the rest of you. That should work out fine for all of us.

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