Saturday, November 9, 2013

My friend

went to and through hell. He wrote about it and shared it with me. I was amazed and inspired. I asked him if I could share his letter and he said sure! He said if it helped anyone, it would be worth the exposure. I know we have all had our dark times, our lost and lonely days and nights, our too highs and our too lows. SO WHAT! It is over now. If you are reading my blog you are on the path to self discovery and lightening up. I do light, I do love, I do health, and mostly I do truth. MY TRUTH. It comes in the form of a flaming arrow, and I have a knack for seeing dark places and shooting those arrows straight in. This guy has a arrow too. Shooting it into our world and sharing the story of his truth will enlighten and inspire many and yes, fire them up. Thanks Mike your story of mercy and grace and the greatest love of all is the story of everyone, some have just forgotten for a minute. Love ya!

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