Thursday, November 28, 2013


The tiny hummingbird is the animal totem of JOY. It is hard for many to see, or even know it was right there in front of them. It is bright and quick and loves the nectar of sweetness. It flourishes with that sweetness delivered in the form of flowers!! Where is that joy we all seek? Close your eyes and see it within. What makes your feet move, your mouth curl up in a smile, your eyes twinkle, your words kind and loving, the laughter that rolls from your gut?? That would be the joy of life, living here as an expression of what Creator meant for us to know and be. Today be the hummingbird, dancing and singing and moving quickly to each person with something bright and loving to deliver, like the Flash of light and color that a hummingbird is!!! There will be joy here today, I will sing and dance and flash my bright eyes and smile at all of my guests and my critters too. Are you ready to show some joy too, start by bringing some sweet flowers to someone you love or admire or simply want to share JOY with. That is how the hummingbird would want it done.

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