Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dakota 38 plus 2 - resolving old hurts

We met with a white guy who joined the ride last year with the feeling of I, too, belong to this group of healers. The fight, the losses, the history needs some adjusting now. There is always two in every conflict. People fight over what they can not control within themselves. Fear of the unknown drives them to it, so does the feeling that someone knows more then you do and you must defend your inability. It is non-sense, where there should and could have been a sharing of resources and abilities, there was war. This war was about my Dakota family and our survival in a place we had always known. Others came and bullied our people and we allowed it for awhile. Now the playing field is evening out. We know that the only future here is one based on forgiveness and cooperation. Since doing everything separately has caused a lot of pain and destruction. Our world has wasted a lot of time, effort and resources fighting about NOTHING. Nothing here is yours, nor is it mine, we are only here as stewards and the legacy we leave should be about sharing, supporting and uplifting this world and all of her children, the four nations are now uniting, the Rainbow people are here, the color on the outside irrelevant to the color of your heart. Please join us, donate something, come and ride, or watch, or pray for peace, all of these things are needed! When you are ready to help us, call me and we can plan some support for this event together. 715-426-7350 We need hay, food and yup, even money! Thanks for considering this, It is my birthday present to me this year to be there and I couldn't be happier!

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