Saturday, November 16, 2013

There is a change in the AIR

Can you smell it? It causes the ears to perk up, the eyes to look up and the heart to beat a little faster. The Four directions are joining together as planned. The Creator gave them each job to do here and learn their element. At the shift, the elements would join forces and knowledge, and become unified. No more separation, discrimination or  profiling needed. I was profiled yesterday, asked if I was a new ager. I said you bet! The old age is complete. With the closure of that chapter now only those with a new age mentality will  stay and be happy here. The crystals in your computer are active and you are becoming crystal people. The jewels on your body are lighting up your meridians, and as you learn how that works and what the results are, you will become aware, awakened and new too! Water, air, fire and earth, working in unison with the masters of their energy, meeting with minds filled with solutions for our changing world. Red, white, black and yellow, becoming ONE with us, and ultimately the Creator. Welcome to the New Age, glad you decided to stay and play!

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