Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you on high alert?

Adrenaline, fight or flight, the stress response. It is needed to lift the frig off the kid who is pinned beneath it. A miracle really. Overused in every way, every day by a lifestyle of over-stimulation.  Those who know the buzz is addicting will sell you on an adrenaline kick as often as they can. Caffeine, nicotine, drugs, porn, extreme anything and on the list goes, media does it with pictures of drama. I have learned that most are fake and designed simply to ignite your adrenaline. Those who compete in life are always tapping that faucet. If you spend more then you have, your heart will lose it's strength. You will get tired, slow, sad and lose your purpose and sense of excitement. I see failing hearts a lot, and find the  exhausted adrenals the source of loss. Lifetimes of self abuse result in this. SLOW DOWN! Take some time to restore your body. BE QUIET. Listen instead of talk. Bathe instead of shower, vacation instead of work, laugh instead of direct, sing out loud as often as you can. YOU ARE MAKING YOUR BODY DO WHATEVER IT IS DOING, If you like what you are receiving, rock on. If not, step back, and look at the bigger picture. This is how to get some control back, strong and willing adrenals are magic and can save your life, use them with great knowledge and care now.

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