Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Affair?

People love affairs, they go to them with great anticipation! Looking on the outside, for what is sadly lacking within. I had a partner who had an affair with his job, it was his life, his energy was always there and in the end I simply walked away. I had another partner who did it with the girls, charming them the way he charmed me, putting more effort in to the outer aspects of his charm than the inner ones. Forgetting to use his charms on himself. Humans have a lot of choices and affairs are a one hot item. Families are shattered by there presence, since they take a lot of energy from both partners in the offing. A better choice here would to be - come your own affair! BE THAT AMAZING SEXY ENCHANTING HUMAN YOU CAN SPEND ENERGY ON AND WITH!. No one else can fill in your empty holes, I promise you that. Fill them in yourself, speak your truth, honor those who have been with you all along and decide what is really the bottom line for you. Focus and then account for yourself, fully in detail.  It takes two to make a family, and it also takes two to break one up! Unity for us all, commitment and communion daily, will help.

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