Wednesday, November 27, 2013

No excuses

BUT..... negates it. Anything said with a but added at the end, is worthless. Not worth saying or hearing. It is what  it is, period. Either you are grateful or you are not. There  are no buts but the one who says it. They are the BUT. They are the lukewarm vacillating non-committed one who can not speak with any authority of their own. I am always fascinated by that. If you know people who make sure there is a but there, an excuse for behavior unworthy. END IT! Walk away with the knowing you can not change someone's heart or mind or behaviors. My friend said it was when he finally stopped seeing the world as mean and an EXCUSE to get wasted that he found his gift, HIMSELF! NO IF's, AND's or BUT's at all! No more excuses, just grateful, for a warm bed, clean clothes, food and someone smiling at the success of your changed life!

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