Friday, November 15, 2013

Fight or Flight - YOU DECIDE or not!

ADRENALINE,  2nd chakra response to life here. The way of our world. Zingers everywhere. If you start your day with a pot of coffee and a cigarette, you become fully loaded for a fight or flight kind of day. Zinging yourself into an alert state with adrenaline producing starters is exhausting really. As soon as the buzz wears off you are looking for the next hit. It can come from sugar, or yelling at someone, it can come from drugs or alcohol. It is a choice, yours and yours alone, every single time you make it. It becomes a habit, then a rut, then left to continue will take you deep enough to become your grave. When your adrenals become spent, your kidneys stop with your energy and your heart stalls out. No heart fire, no human. Last breath is the train straight to accountability. The conference is set and you will be there, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Or, YOU CAN STOP FIGHTING, AND BE LOVING AND PEACEFUL. YOU CAN STOP RUNNING, BECOME ACCOUNTABLE FOR EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR LIFE AND YOUR EXPERIENCE. You decide, only YOU choose. Freewill, ain't it grand??? You decide.

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