Monday, November 11, 2013


My post from then was at Chichenitza.  The picture where I am vaporizing is still there. I was invited to ride the energy elevator up that day but with my beautiful daughters there, I  remained grounded here.  I have spent many days since then pondering that option. Leaving this world was not my choice, staying and putting my money, my love and my skills to work again after a very intense challenge became my priority. We get chances to stay and offers to leave, many times in  one lifetime. Some opt off, I truly understand that choice. My friend Fred said after he left his human form, that he could be much more effective from another plane of existence and within a few days 9-11 happened and he was there to assist the departing souls. We are larger than life here, from before to forever, loved and needed by many. Take a moment today, and find that love in the light of the 11-11- energy. Twin flames will find each other today. Soul mates will meet and greet and start new projects based on their heart's desires. Enjoy life while you remain human, if you are not doing that feel free to go home where you are truly loved. Freewill is our gift, Earth is not jail, it is Hell, and we are here to change that now to Heaven! Welcome Eden and her Creator back into Partnership now. this is the day! Celebrate the  choice you made to be a part of something very special.

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