Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The hardest lesson - your greatest teacher and when learned - YOUR GIFT!

I have heard it from addicts of all kinds. Meth, alcohol, heroin, life's lessons of less, lack and loss. The PHD of addiction comes from the experience of sinking into the hole and then making your way back out again, with triumph and joy! I made it! I survived! I am worthy of a happy, healthy, whole life now! From the world of pain, death, disease, there rises other phoenixs like me. Sick and suffering, way beyond any abilities my physician had. After allowing experiments to cut in to my body, and drugs to alter my feelings, not my condition, enough was enough! I went to work in and on myself, took control, became accountable for me and healed my way into a career. The PHD of wellcare and partnering with nature to restore harmony and balance. I KNOW IT IS HARD TO ALLOW THE LESSON, I also know if you embrace it, it becomes your best friend, your greatest gift and can be the thing you came to do in this world! Sure did for me. Addiction takes many forms, some are addicted to sad, or angry, some are professional worriers, others to substances and others to judgments, looking at others instead of themselves. Preachers and teachers are often some of the worst offenders, making you feel bad is their living. Step away now from anything that causes you less, lack or loss of light, love and laughter.  FREEWILL, ain't it GRAND??????

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