Friday, November 22, 2013


As I play the movie back it all makes sense now.  Watching the old thermometer rise in the heat, until it broke the glass that held it. Then those thermometers were gone, hidden from view, banned in 1996. The mercury that you could see and understand, hidden from your eyes, yet still injected in to your bodies through vaccinations and pooled in your teeth.  Poisoning your saliva and digestion impairing your thyroid and more. I see energy, and watch what happens to mercury toxic humans in the sun shine. Their skin sizzles in the heat, as the mercury burns them up. It causes hot flashing at a time when peace should rule the body after 50 years of growth and production. It causes massive yeast imbalances that result in a zillion forms of cancer. Which is simply the body's response in a very erratic response to being poisoned. I had it in my eyes with the thimerasol in contact lense solution and it was horrible. I see the bigger picture here, and the results are beyond beyond. If you have a relationship to mercury, your truth will surface very quickly now. Mercury the planet of quick communication will strike one up with YOU.  You will attract the lessons you need to learn to balance and heal your self and this world. If you leave it, well, see you again soon. YOUR CHOICE, always was. Some things need to be exposed now, don't they?

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