Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No one left behind

When we were little kids one of the worst feelings was watching your parents walk out the door leaving you behind. I have seen kids melt down, thinking this is it, they are never coming back. And who is this stranger here anyway staying with us? When I was very young my dad walked out the door the day after Christmas and returned nearly dead. A broken neck from a chiropractic adjustment by a  man who was simply too rough on an injured neck. I saw him being carried up to the walk to our front door and I melted down. Knowing he was leaving without me for sure. AGAIN! My family is part of the Dakota 38 plus 2 group. Their necks were broken the day after Christmas long ago, that memory lingers in our DNA. It is brilliant how we repeat the same lesson again and again until someone finally gets it and heals it by forgiving it. Reliving  that day I watched my  father's spirit leaving him, and it never made any sense to me at all until I learned of the hanging and remembered the rest of the story. We need to remember, to forget. Forgiveness erases the pain and shock and abandonment that hold humans hostage here. I promise, in the new age all will be revealed and NO ONE will be left behind. Creator loves us all and in the end we all go home. Guaranteed!

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