Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner, EVERY DAY!

Eating is a responsibility to self, without fuel the fire doesn't burn. I TEACH HOW THE BODY WORKS AND EATING IS CRUCIAL. If you choose to wait to fuel up, or fuel up on junk, or eat when you are upset or on the run, you will not receive the full benefit that the gift of food offers you. Have you ever seen a dog eating while it was walking or playing or doing it's work, NOPE. Can't be done. Focus, communion with food and self is critical to absorption. Allowing the energy to transform into another form, takes a minute HUH? From apple to applesauce converted and shipped to brain to focus to accomplishment, in that order, transformation of energy. When you abuse your body but not feeding it properly your body will become insecure and irritated and over or under react to everything in it's heightened state of it's hunger game. Your personality will be abrasive and abrupt and your abilities will all diminish until that basic need is met. Accountable to self? You better be or you will bucked off, kicked out and eatin' alone again! Prayer begins the respectful meal, gratitude makes you receptive to the energy you are about to receive, communion with your food and with the people you share a meal with make it exponential in every way. GOT IT??? Thanksgiving for us all with every meal we receive will change this for the better real real fast.

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