Monday, November 11, 2013

True love

Doesn't that sound nice?  Doesn't it make the stories way better? It just does, not as an e-motion only but as the power of all creation. It is the spark of the beginning. It comes in many forms. True is about transparent and clear and joyful and being a part of everything. Love is about growth in light. Knowing you are connected is loving yourself truly, enough to think bigger than just you and your stuff. Fun huh?? Loving my life, truly, my world is filled with these loving connections and I honor them and know I send out as much love as I receive, the law of attraction at work. Today, find the true love with in yourself, then when it is warm radiate it out to everyone you come in contact with, your pets, your yard, your food, and your reflection in the mirror too. That is the greatest use of this 11-11 energy. Fall back in love with Earth, your life here and YOURSELF!

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