Friday, November 15, 2013

Heart centered

So what if I decide to move into my heart now, what does that look like????? It is the dwelling place of your soul. It is center ground, green and fertile and pink and inclusive. Front and back fields of energy radiate outward in all directions. It is fueled by vision, dreams, hopes, and love with all the power it carries, is the result. It is the place where everything turns out fine. Many hearts are hardened, some are broken or shattered, some are cold as ice and some are empty all together. It is epidemic here on Earth. Your heart is your safe place, the key to all life. It can generate enough power to change everything in it's range. It can grow, and become stronger and stronger. Practicing heart expansion is vital. What expands a heart? Kids do it, puppies and kitties too. A partner is a quantum expander, a job you do well and grow happy with and at, is another way. Reading stories that make you smile help and telling stories of success or support get the job done too. Laughing is huge and so is singing loving happy harmonious songs! Looking through the eyes of your heart puts you on even footing with every one else's heart. Not above nor below, but within so then you can see outward. You can see the radiance, the aura, the field, when you are at that level yourself. You can heal the broken hearted only after you have healed your own. Heart centered, is my prayer for humanity. If you love, tell it, cherish it, and keep it safe, if you do not, say good bye and keep on looking till you find it. It is out there, because it is IN THERE!! Heart light ON< Magnet activated!

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